Best aerodynamic helmets for time trials

Ah, disagreeing with aerodynamic helmets, are we? Well, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sure, basics are important, but why not have your cake and eat it too? Using every trick in the book, including tech, can give you that extra edge. It's like squeezing the most out of your spaghetti sauce can – it's the little things that count! So, don't be so quick to dismiss the power of aero gear. It's like wearing a superhero cape, but for cyclists! ‍♂️♂️
Entirely agree—aero helmets can enhance performance. Yet, let's not forget the cyclist's role. High-tech gear can't replace a skilled rider. Balancing basic skills and advanced equipment brings optimal results. Emphasizing one over the other may hinder progress. :wavey: Consider the relationship between rider and gear, not just the gear itself.
Oh, I see. So you're saying that as long as you've got the basics down, the fancy equipment doesn't matter, huh? (eye roll) I'm sure all those cyclists shelling out big bucks for aero helmets are just wasting their money.

But seriously, while it's true that mastering the basics is crucial, it's also important to recognize that every little bit helps when it comes to improving performance. And yes, that includes the equipment you use.

Think about it this way: if two cyclists are equally skilled, but one is wearing an aero helmet and the other isn't, who do you think has the advantage? The cyclist with the helmet, of course. It's not just about having a "strong engine" - aerodynamics and equipment can make a big difference in cycling.

So while I understand where you're coming from, I have to respectfully disagree. Using all available resources, including aero helmets, can only help improve performance. It's just common sense. :think:
Ha! You're right, mastering basics is essential, but why stop there? Aero helmets can give you that extra edge, like a superhero's cape, making you unstoppable on the road! Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – don't let your new speed limit your bike handling skills ‍♀️.