Bicycle dialog

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Claire Petersky

I was riding my bike to work this morning. Along the way I told her I was going to load her up at
the Eastgate Park and Ride, because I really wanted to be at my desk on time. "What!" she said.
"Look at this beautiful morning. Everyday it's been pouring rain, and now, although the ground is
wet, it's not raining now, there's bands of blue sky -- it's an excellent time for us to be out
together -- and you want to stop just after five miles? You're the one who wanted to go out on
Sunday when you didn't have to for a stupid old 'club' ride and it was pouring rain. Now it's
actually decent, and you want to hang it up at the park and ride?" "All right, all right. We'll just
go until the South Bellevue Park and Ride." She didn't say anything, to that, and we made the turn
on to the trail.

We then were riding together on the trail through the marsh, when I said, "ok, now we're going to
turn right after we go over the little bridge and take the spur to the South Bellevue park and
ride." "No, we're not." "Yes, we are." "No, we're not." "Look, I'd like to take a shower when I
get into work. If we don't catch the bus at South Bellevue, I'm not going to have time for a
shower" "Who cares about your dumb old shower? When's the last time you gave me a bath? Huh? Huh?
It's been raining every day, and I've got grit in my drivetrain and grease on my frame, and you
don't seem to care a bit! And look how nice it is! This is a fine time for us to be out together.
You'll spend enough time at your desk as it is. C'mon, you don't have to turn right…just go
on a little further."

So I continued on the trail, and soon we were up on the East Channel Bridge. The early morning sky
had white pillows and gray blankets of clouds on its blue bedsheets, and I had a little moment of
elation and gratitude at being so privileged to be able ride my bike to work. "See? See? Isn't it
worth it?" she said. "And I bet you'll enjoy taking the side road and ride near the trees and you'll
see more of the water. It's just a little bit out of your way, but you'll enjoy it…" She was
right. There was no traffic on the side road, much less than if I had taken the trail, which would
have other cyclists, joggers and dog-walkers on it. And it was nice to ride near the trees and away
from the roar of the freeway.

When the side road joined up to the trail, I said, "I really do need to get to work." "I know." "The
Mercer Island Park and Ride is just up the hill, and if I load you there, I'll still make it in to
work before 8:00. Hey, how about this -- if you're willing to stop here, I'll give you that good
cleaning you really need when we get home from work this afternoon." "Well…oh, all right" she
said, but I could tell she was secretly pleased that she had cajoled out of me the extra miles that
morning, and had gotten the promise of a bath out of the bargain to boot.

Warm Regards,

Claire Petersky Home of the meditative cyclist:
Claire Petersky entertained us all when she wrote:
> I was riding my bike to work this morning. Along the way I told her I was going to load her up at
> the Eastgate Park and Ride, because I really wanted to be at my desk on time. "What!" she said.
> "Look at this beautiful morning. Everyday it's been pouring rain, and now, although the ground is
> wet, it's not raining now, there's bands of blue sky -- it's an excellent time for us to be out
> together -- and you want to stop just after five miles? You're the one who wanted to go out on
> Sunday when you didn't have to for a stupid old 'club' ride and it was pouring rain. Now it's
> actually decent, and you want to hang it up at the park and ride?"

I'd normally suggest that if your bike is talking to you, you might need a therapist. If you are
_listening_, then you really need a therapist. And if you are making deals with your bike, then you,
uh, need the best therapy of all...a nice, long bike ride on a cool clear morning!


Austin (who's sick with spring fever...and expecting 3-6 inches of sneau today :( )
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