Bikes on trains- Ireland


Robert Norton

Any Irish bikers (Garry from Cork, maybe?) able to tell me the present
position of carriage of bikes on Intercity in Ireland. Some have facilities,
some dont. I dont know which. Thanks.
Irish Rail's website is vague/ evasive but significantly offers details of
bike hire places at destinations!
Rob Norton
Robert Norton wrote:
> Any Irish bikers (Garry from Cork, maybe?) able to tell me the present
> position of carriage of bikes on Intercity in Ireland. Some have
> facilities, some dont. I dont know which. Thanks.
> Irish Rail's website is vague/ evasive but significantly offers
> details of bike hire places at destinations

I have a feeling that the latter is the solution to some new train stock
which was ordered without cycle spaces. The CTC (UK) email mentioned it a
few weeks ago.

Yes, you need local information which I cannot supply.

- Nigel

Nigel Cliffe,
Webmaster at