boudreaux still contibuting


Aug 12, 2001
Some of the aussie members might have watched 60 Minutes this evening. The unlucky cyclist who was featured in the story was one of our own - Jim Price AKA bourdreaux (faq)

For those who don't know of Jim, here is a post by his daughter Kimberlee a few days after the tragic event;

Here is a link to the story Driven to Distraction The should post video of the story here in a few days.

Hopefully some good comes of this :(
Boudreaux certainly was a character and is definitely missed. The girl that hit him was texting, wasn't she? I look forward to seeing that 60 minute segment (We don't get broadcast, cable, or satellite TV.). Hopefully the segment will open at least one driver's eyes.
As much as I have demonized the driver in my head during the past 4 years, he seems like a remorseful young adult and I could easily sense his regret. It's such an easily avoidable lapse in judgment that I see almost every day while driving.
Happens here too of course, but in this southern state negligent drivers who injure or kill cyclists generally go unpunished; often without even a traffic ticket. If the vehicle driver was DUI, it's prosecuted as negligent homicide or murder. Otherwise, nada. In our latest tragedy, the young woman who hit and killed a well-known triathlete in the middle of the afternoon told police at the scene she was looking into her purse to reach her cellphone. Not charged by police, and the Grand Jury refused to indite her too. Suppose if the driver appears upset and remorseful at the scene, that's good enough for local law enforcement.

Doubt any other state/country in the world is so easy on traffic offenders. To me, we'll never make progress on cycling safety until we hold careless and negligent drivers responsible under criminal law.
OP, thanks for sharing the link. Just had the chance to sneak a look, and it was good.

Boudreaux was prolific in the forum when I first joined up. When he posted, I always clicked to see what he had to say. His contributions were helpful and memorable, and I agree that his absence is still felt after all this time.
I just watched the video segment. What's stunning is that I first heard, in 1997-98 or so, about a study that found cell phone use while driving had the same accident risk as driving drunk, and here we are today with the same problem only worse: texting has been thrown into the mix. When are we going to learn?
alienator said:
I just watched the video segment. What's stunning is that I first heard, in 1997-98 or so, about a study that found cell phone use while driving had the same accident risk as driving drunk, and here we are today with the same problem only worse: texting has been thrown into the mix. When are we going to learn?

About 65 million years from now some evolved intelligent cockroaches will be studying human remains and saying "what the hell were they thinking?" In cockroach language, of course.