Bush or Kerry or ???


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
Just curious what everyone's political leanings are...

I'm a Democrat; but if John McCain had been nominated in 2000, I would have easily voted for him.

Originally posted by lisan
Just curious what everyone's political leanings are...

I'm a Democrat; but if John McCain had been nominated in 2000, I would have easily voted for him.


Wait a Democrat in Texas - sure you aren't hanging out in a motel in Oklahoma? Just kidding

It might be interesting to see one of these run once a month - of course all our friends across the pond might shoot us. (Assuming they can actually own guns in their countries)

I wonder if McCain will actually run again this year for his Senate seat - things have cooled off for him somewhat in Arizona but I don't seem him winning his seat back.

Hopefully you are dodging all the flooding and Heat waves in Texas - good riding
Originally posted by lisan
Just curious what everyone's political leanings are...

I'm a Democrat; but if John McCain had been nominated in 2000, I would have easily voted for him.


I am curious. What policies of McCain's do you like that make you want to vote for him.

Have you heard the reports that he has a nasty temper and is very vindictive against those whom he thinks "crossed" him? I have seen those reports from widely divergent sources. Would somelike this sway your opinion of him, vis-a-vis temperment?
Originally posted by lisan
Just curious what everyone's political leanings are...

I'm a Democrat; but if John McCain had been nominated in 2000, I would have easily voted for him.


I left the States because of the dismal state it is in... From the New Vietnam, destruction of the environment, and of course we now have a new civil rights war... At the end of the day, either you are a part of it or you are not. I didnt want to have anything to do with it and renounced my residency. If only I could find a reason to claim political asylum in another country...

Originally posted by ejglows
I left the States because of the dismal state it is in... From the New Vietnam, destruction of the environment, and of course we now have a new civil rights war... At the end of the day, either you are a part of it or you are not. I didnt want to have anything to do with it and renounced my residency. If only I could find a reason to claim political asylum in another country...


I am glad you are happy, but can you provide a little insight into some of the charges you made. For instance, "destruction of the environment?"

What, how, and by whom is the environment being "destroyed?"

A "new civil rights war?" Can you expand and provide some reasons you think this.
Originally posted by Beastt
ANYONE but Bush!

Do you realize how ignorant that makes you appear? Taken literally, it means you prefer Mussolini, Himmler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Charles Manson, or Ken Lay as president.

If you are unhappy with Bush's policies, why not say that? You oppose the war on terrorism or in Iraq, fine, say that, and give your reasons.

But to say "ANYONE but Bush" says that you haven't a clue about much of anything.
The Bush presidency has been diasterous - the US economy is in
bad shape (the largest budget deficit in the history of the USA),
US foreign policy has been shown to be fundamentally wrong.
Under his stewardship, Bush has led the USA in to the position it now finds itself.
Do yourselves (and the rest of us) a favour - don't vote him back in next November.

However I wonder is Kerry a real alternative ?
From what I can see, he's brighter than Bush (no great plaudits in this) but would he be an effective president ?
It seems to me that the US people (those that actually take an interest and vote, that is) are being presented with two options :
Yale 1966 or Yale 1964 ie: is there any real difference ?
Originally posted by limerickman
The Bush presidency has been diasterous - the US economy is in
bad shape (the largest budget deficit in the history of the USA),
US foreign policy has been shown to be fundamentally wrong.
Under his stewardship, Bush has led the USA in to the position it now finds itself.
Do yourselves (and the rest of us) a favour - don't vote him back in next November.

However I wonder is Kerry a real alternative ?
From what I can see, he's brighter than Bush (no great plaudits in this) but would he be an effective president ?
It seems to me that the US people (those that actually take an interest and vote, that is) are being presented with two options :
Yale 1966 or Yale 1964 ie: is there any real difference ?

The economy was already a mess, we were already in a recession due to the Tech bubble crash - then add in Sept 11th, etc... As allot of economists will tell you, we would be worse off if the tax cuts hadn't gone in when they did.

Kerry an alternative? Kerry vs Kerry is one of the favorite items going around now. How many times can a guy flip flop on the issues even in the same sentance. No matter if you agree or disagree with the current president, if he says he is going to do something - he does it.

For the rest - I will say that opinions vary & leave it at that.
Originally posted by limerickman
The Bush presidency has been diasterous - the US economy is in
bad shape (the largest budget deficit in the history of the USA),
US foreign policy has been shown to be fundamentally wrong.
Under his stewardship, Bush has led the USA in to the position it now finds itself.
Do yourselves (and the rest of us) a favour - don't vote him back in next November.

However I wonder is Kerry a real alternative ?
From what I can see, he's brighter than Bush (no great plaudits in this) but would he be an effective president ?
It seems to me that the US people (those that actually take an interest and vote, that is) are being presented with two options :
Yale 1966 or Yale 1964 ie: is there any real difference ?

Fine, Limerick, you have treated us to another recital of the anti-Bush leftist rhetoric. But you failed to show any context, evidence, or factual information. That means it can all be taken with a grain of salt.
Originally posted by Babbar
Do you realize how ignorant that makes you appear? Taken literally, it means you prefer Mussolini, Himmler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Charles Manson, or Ken Lay as president.

If you are unhappy with Bush's policies, why not say that? You oppose the war on terrorism or in Iraq, fine, say that, and give your reasons.

But to say "ANYONE but Bush" says that you haven't a clue about much of anything.

Thank you for your concern but I'm really not terribly interested that you may think my statement lacks the mark of intellect.

I would think it obvious that most would understand that the statement, "ANYONE but Bush", would apply only to those candidates running for the office. I simply don't have a strong preference either way as long as the country isn't subjected to another 4-years of Bush. I do feel strongly that any of the other candidates running for the office, would do a much better job.

If you want reasons, then I'll give you a rather broad one; Bush isn't an American. He was born here and holds citizenship but it takes more than that to be an American. You have to hold American values and ideals above the buzz-words like, "security", "saftey", "terrorism", etc. Bush shows himself to be diametrically opposed to the standards that defined this country and as such, shows himself to be other than American at heart. It would be difficult for anyone to blacken the name of the United States to a further degree than he already has.

If you find any arrogance in my opening statement of disinterest, then you know how your comments were perceived.

Originally posted by SLS

Kerry an alternative? Kerry vs Kerry is one of the favorite items going around now. How many times can a guy flip flop on the issues even in the same sentance. No matter if you agree or disagree with the current president, if he says he is going to do something - he does it.

For the rest - I will say that opinions vary & leave it at that. [/B]

Even if he makes the wrong the decision (which he invariably does) - this is alright ?
Originally posted by Babbar
Fine, Limerick, you have treated us to another recital of the anti-Bush leftist rhetoric. But you failed to show any context, evidence, or factual information. That means it can all be taken with a grain of salt.

Babbar, you are right on the mark...once again! Limerickman is a nice fellow and he means well but as a tendenancy to ignore questions that he can't attach some leftest, thirdworld spin.

He won't confess to being a CIA operative nor will he let us know which MEDIA conglomerate he works for but somehow he has volumes of propoganda at his disposal....Pesonally, I think he is a Kerry advisor...

However, this is real....
This event really took place and for those of you not in the Military (limerickman), what the President did here is an example of why "we" in the military will follow this man anywhere, anytime. He understand us, he shows us respect and he doesn't give us a limp salute! To Lisa this is an example of leadership, which encompasses many facets...Honor among them... It was not politically motivated nor was his landing aboard the Abe Lincoln. I ate dinner with his father onboard another carrier and it was not a political move either...Flipper is just jealous because no one is inviting him to meet/greet our troops...no one wants him nor do we want Hillary!

"As you may know, the President and Mrs. Bush visited the Washington Burn Center on Friday 14 September. Among those they visited was LTC Brian Birdwell, who was badly burned in the Pentagon attack.
Mrs. Bush went into Brian's room, spoke to him for about a minute, all the time as if they had been long acquaintances. She then turned to Brian's wife Mel, who at this time had been at the hospital for probably 2 1/2 days, and apparently, according to Mel herself, was dirty, grimy and had blood on her shirt.

Mrs. Bush hugged Mel for what Mel said seemed like an eternity, just as if Mel were one of her closest family members.

Mrs. Bush then told Brian and Mel that there was "someone" there to see him.

The President then walked in, stood by Brian's bedside, asked Brian how he was doing, told him that he was very proud of them both and that they were his heroes.

The President then saluted Brian. Now, at this point in time, Brian is bandaged up pretty well. His hands are burned very badly as well as the back of him from the head down. His movements were very restricted.

Upon seeing the President saluting him, Brian began to slowly return the salute, taking, from the accounts so far, about 15-20 seconds to get his hand up to his head.

During all of this, 15-20 seconds, President Bush never moved, never dropped his salute. The President dropped his salute only when Brian was finished with his, and then gave Mel a huge hug for what also probably seemed like an eternity.

Pray for our leadership. Thank God for what we are, have, and will be.

As a note to those of you who might not be familiar with military protocol, the subordinate normally initiates a salute and will hold it until the superior officer returns the salute.

In the above incident, President Bush acted in the role of the subordinate to show his respect and high regard for the injured man. "
Originally posted by ejglows
I left the States because of the dismal state it is in... From the New Vietnam, destruction of the environment, and of course we now have a new civil rights war... At the end of the day, either you are a part of it or you are not. I didnt want to have anything to do with it and renounced my residency. If only I could find a reason to claim political asylum in another country...


You have listed some very serious accusations here...Personally, I wish that everyone that feels the way you do would have the curage to LEAVE! I am forever in your debt for making that decision, THANK YOU! That makes one less "johnny Depp" that I have to take care of.

I have been to just about every Country on the Globe, and there is no place that I'd rather be than in the U.S.!!!

New Vietnam....poppycock

Destruction of the Environment...Oh, the U.S. has a monopoly on that one eh?

Civil rights war? What century on you in??

Yes, I have a real problem with people that sling around a bunch of cliche's and dis our country while they are doing nothing about it...What if our forefathers had done that?

I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe you moved because of your frivolous accusations...tell us the real truth, rob a bank?:D
Originally posted by Babbar
Fine, Limerick, you have treated us to another recital of the anti-Bush leftist rhetoric. But you failed to show any context, evidence, or factual information. That means it can all be taken with a grain of salt.

Bush's foreign policy failures :

1.Capturing BinLaden : failed
2.Capturing Mullah Omar : failed
3.Creating Democracy in Afghanistan : failed
4.Creating Deocracy in Iraq : failed.
5. Acting on reliable intelligence reports prior to 11th September
2001 : failed.

Other notable Bush policy errors :
Anatagonised the majority of EU nations - ignored or vetoed the UN - ignored or vetoed the Kyoto Treaty

Bush's economic policy :
1 :The value of the US Dollar has fallen by 35% since 2000.
2 : Nasdaq and Dow Jones indexes have collapsed against their
2000 values (DOW JONES was trading at above 10k and the
Nasdaq was above 4k).
3 : US budget 2000 showed the USA in surplus to 200 billion
US budget deficit at April 2004 is 500 billion dollars and
4 : US employment actually contracted in the years 2001 - 2003.
Originally posted by limerickman


1.Capturing BinLaden : failed - ongoing!
2.Capturing Mullah Omar : failed - ongoing!
3.Creating Democracy in Afghanistan : failed - ongoing!
4.Creating Deocracy in Iraq : failed. - ongoing!
5. Acting on reliable intelligence reports prior to 11th September
2001 : failed. - Spin!

Other notable Bush policy errors :
Anatagonised the majority of EU nations - ignored or vetoed the UN - ignored or vetoed the Kyoto Treaty. LIMERICKMAN, WE DO NOT NEED THE U.N. ONCE AND FOR ALL, THE U.N. IS CURRUPT!


Bush's economic policy :
1 :The value of the US Dollar has fallen by 35% since 2000.
2 : Nasdaq and Dow Jones indexes have collapsed against their
2000 values (DOW JONES was trading at above 10k and the
Nasdaq was above 4k).
3 : US budget 2000 showed the USA in surplus to 200 billion
US budget deficit at April 2004 is 500 billion dollars and
4 : US employment actually contracted in the years 2001 - 2003.
Originally posted by zapper


1.Capturing BinLaden : failed
2.Capturing Mullah Omar : failed
3.Creating Democracy in Afghanistan : failed
4.Creating Deocracy in Iraq : failed.
5. Acting on reliable intelligence reports prior to 11th September
2001 : failed.

I've obviously touched a nerve here.

There's more chance of BinLaden and Omar dying of old age than the US capturing them !!
Or maybe they're playing with the WMD that were never in Iraq !

Come on Zapper - you've had nearly three years to find BinLaden and Omar and they've neither been betrayed or caught.
(It's ironic isn't it my friend - that the US offer millions for BinLadens head and it doesn't work. Another fundamental mistake by Bush - thinking that he can buy a result).

Afghanistan and democracy (or to use Dubya's words - "we'll impose democracy" - I love this statement because it's a contradiction - impose and democracy !).
Muhammed Karzai - the US imposed president - can't move outside Kabul !
He's likely to be assisinated if he moves outside Kabul !
So USA has imposed democracy in Kabul.
The other 90% of the country is still a warzone
(suggest you read about the British campaign to conquer Afghanistan in the 1840's - it's very similar to what is happening today in Afghanistan ).

Iraq and democracy.
Can't see much campaigning going on in Nasaria, Falluja, Baghdad
or Basra.
Handover on the 30th June.
I wager Breamer still will be there - on 1st July 2005 !

As regards your economy - Sept 11th most definitely had an impact.
I will concede this.
But let's face it - borrowing billions (which you and your kids will have to pay higher tax down the road to service this debt) and
deliberately devaluing the US dollar has had negligible effect.
Your economy has been in down turn since 2000.
Your anecdotal evidence - Zapper - is contradicted by the financial
markets (www.financialtimes.com).
Cafes full/bars packed/restaurants busy - I was in New York last summer and they were flogging stuff off just to stay busy (the fact that us Europeans are being tragetted with shopping holidays to your east coast - doesn't smack of a thriving economy).
Originally posted by limerickman
I've obviously touched a nerve here. "No, your act is growing stale!":)

Come on Zapper - you've had nearly three years to find BinLaden and Omar and they've neither been betrayed or caught.

This is laughable...And CLINTON had 8 years to find him????Dont worry, we are going to pull him up in November!!!

Look, I live, ride, eat and shop on the East coast don't be so arrogant to think you can lecture me about my stomping grounds ole chum...Europeans being targeted...you are killing me, how can you spew this stuff with a straight face??? I just had dinner at a fondue restauant and the bill came to $120.00 u.s. dollars for my wife and I...We had reservations and it was packed!!Like it is every night...Houses are going up everywhere, you must get your spectacles away from the tele and see the real world...You are starting to sound like an old soviet communist trying to slam capitolism...

Once again...take your act on the road!!!its quite funny!!!

Originally posted by limerickman
Bush's foreign policy failures :

1.Capturing BinLaden : failed
2.Capturing Mullah Omar : failed
3.Creating Democracy in Afghanistan : failed
4.Creating Deocracy in Iraq : failed.
5. Acting on reliable intelligence reports prior to 11th September
2001 : failed.

Other notable Bush policy errors :
Anatagonised the majority of EU nations - ignored or vetoed the UN - ignored or vetoed the Kyoto Treaty

Bush's economic policy :
1 :The value of the US Dollar has fallen by 35% since 2000.
2 : Nasdaq and Dow Jones indexes have collapsed against their
2000 values (DOW JONES was trading at above 10k and the
Nasdaq was above 4k).
3 : US budget 2000 showed the USA in surplus to 200 billion
US budget deficit at April 2004 is 500 billion dollars and
4 : US employment actually contracted in the years 2001 - 2003.

Don't forget some of his successes, Limerickman.

·He set out to convince America that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so that he could go forward with the war he wanted for his own reasons.

He succeeded

·He wanted to leave Blair holding the bag when it turned out that there never were any weapons of mass destruction.

He succeeded

·He wanted good, brave Americans with much to live for to hand over their lives to him for his political gain and to think of him as a courageous leader.

He succeeded

·He wanted congress to hand over sole power to him to thrust the country into war.

He succeeded

·He wanted to undermine American freedoms and remove the civil rights of anyone he decides is a threat.

He succeeded

·He wanted to frighten the American people into agreeing to having their rights and freedoms slaughtered through is, so called, Patriot Act and Patriot Act II.

He succeeded

·He wanted to appear to as many as possible to have compassion and to be truly concerned about those who are fighting, dying and having limbs torn off. He wanted this to appear as a sincere gesture rather than a political ploy.

To some, at least, he succeeded.
Originally posted by zapper

This is laughable...And CLINTON had 8 years to find him????Dont worry, we are going to pull him up in November!!!

Clinton didn't invade the country where BinLaden was living !
Clinton didn't give his forces limitless funding to find Binladen unlike Bush - and he still can't find him !
Laughable - you said it !

Originally posted by zapper
Look, I live, ride, eat and shop on the East coast don't be so arrogant to think you can lecture me about my stomping grounds ole chum...Europeans being targeted...you are killing me, how can you spew this stuff with a straight face??? I just had dinner at a fondue restauant and the bill came to $120.00 u.s. dollars for my wife and I...We had reservations and it was packed!!Like it is every night...Houses are going up everywhere, you must get your spectacles away from the tele and see the real world...You are starting to sound like an old soviet communist trying to slam capitolism...
Once again...take your act on the road!!!its quite funny!!!

OK our national Airline (Aer Lingus) are offering and I quote
"Shopping weekends in Boston and New York : with the favourable exchange rate (Euro/Dollar) why not avail of our special offer return flights to New York from €179.00 - shop at
Masseys, T.K Mexx, J.C Penney" etc etc.
(see the Sunday Indpendent Newspaper 9/5/2004)
They offer us Europeans 80% off retail prices !!!!!
If they're so busy - how come they're flogging the stuff ???
I was there last year - the wife bought all round her !!

Your $120.00 meal translates in to €90.00 - given current exchange rates.
Bars/restaurants are busy - but how come your GDP is down ?
Probably too many people out eating and not producing ??
(being ironic here).

Why not have the guts to at least accept that Bush has made a
mess of things there.
Your country was a great nation - respected indeed.
But what has happened since 2000 has been terrible for your country and the world.

You know my brother in law is from New York - a straightup guy
as you say.
He speaks his mind - he is a Republican and even he thinks that
Bush and his goverment is the worst goverment he's lived under
and he's 39 !
I can't convert him from being a Republican (although I try) - I'll keep plugging away.