Can someone recommend a high quality Whey Protein Powder?


New Member
Jun 14, 2011
I'm looking to purchase, in bulk, some high quality whey protein off the internet. What brand names are considered high quality? Thanks!
Personally, I like the Jay Robb line of whey proteins. Sweetened w/ stevia and very easy to find locally. My local grocery store chain even carries it.
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do tell me what kind of health supplements you use brother! :)

take care.
Hammer Nutrition.

They do whey protein power in several different flavours using only the best stuff...
I use cytosport's 100% whey from costco. Works well for me. Also I've heard lots of good things about Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard.
An excellent high grade protein is "Cnp whey" tastes great unlike many on the market, mixes very well, smooth and a 2.25kg tub provides you 90 servings!! wow yep. From its £39.99 - RRP £56.13

We all take this protein in our diet who cycle, plus it helps to repair muscles after we exercise.

Any advice just PM me.
I've been through a lot of products.
My personal favorite brands are ON and Dymatize.
If you need a before/after workout whey, go buy either ON's gold standard or Dymatize's Elite Whey. They are cheap, they are good quality and they both are edible.
If on the other hand you need a full of protein meal replacement, i would suggest something like Pro complex or Fusion 7 which are both really good products and have mixed protein sources for longer absorbing times.

In my experience taking a scoop of whey protein in 2 hour intervals between medium difficulty rides works best for me. I finish long distance rides of over 100km and i feel like its been as easy as 20.

You could also try BCAAs which are more efficient for quick rides