Did You Get the Cold Weather Flu?


Jan 28, 2004
[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Chicago had a hot August... Then as time went by it got occasionally colder... I think hitting around the low 60's to 50's F I started getting the flu... Running nose, sneezing a lot, and then the dreaded phlegm with chest congestion. I know to prevent this from becoming pneumonia you use a chest congestion reliever - I bought the cheap Wal - Tussin [from Walgreens] and it worked. I avoided going to the doctor because [/COLOR]Medicare[COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)] / Medicaid is **** insurance and I probably would end up paying something for a Dr visit. [/COLOR] [COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]To keep my health strong against the flu I drink orange juice often. But is there any natural method better for strengthening your resistance to colds?[/COLOR] [COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Did you get the cold weather flu too? How did you get by?[/COLOR] [COLOR= rgb(51, 51, 51)]Now in Chicago 40F to 50F weather is becoming common, while it still hits the 80's in Houston![/COLOR]
JTE83 said:
.....cold weather flu......make believe natural remedies......
If you have influenza, it's called "influenza" or "the flu" for short. It's not the "cold weather flu". Influenza causes fever. The common does not. If you didn't have a fever, you didn't have influenza. As for make believe natural remedies, nothing has proven to work. You have no idea whether your "orange juice" regimen had any effect whatsoever, doubly so given your n=1 sampling. Look up the word "coincidence", and try to understand what it means. With any luck, you may grow to understand its meaning.