Especially for Brian


Snippy Bobkins


Today, I'm calling on all friends of the Lance Armstrong Foundation to rally
behind the most ambitious cancer-fighting initiative we've ever faced.

It's called the 2006 LIVESTRONG Survivorship Center of Excellence Network
Initiative, inspired by Lance Armstrong himself. When you participate,
you'll play a vital role in revolutionizing care for cancer survivors across

Best of all, a generous friend of the Lance Armstrong Foundation has
challenged his fellow LAF supporters with a matching grant. This matching
grant will double your gift - dollar for dollar - up to $500,000.
I can't think of a better way for you to leverage your giving. (But you'll
want to act fast, before the $500,000 is matched.)

When Lance Armstrong beat cancer, he turned a lot of stereotypes upside
down. "Victims" became survivors - tough, determined men, women and
children with the courage not just to recover - but to live life on their
own terms.
LIVESTRONG Survivorship Centers of Excellence pass Lance's winning attitude,
his experience and his courage on to other survivors. These special centers
are set up inside nationally renowned cancer treatment facilities and help
survivors after they've completed their medical treatment.
Beating cancer involves so much more than seeing a tumor go into remission,
or a malignancy wiped out. It means coping with the dramatic impact that
cancer - not to mention cancer treatments - have on your body and on your
entire life.
It means dealing with the financial aftermath and the psychological
devastation, it means getting back in touch with the family, the friends,
the job, the life you had before cancer.
LIVESTRONG Survivorship Centers of Excellence help with all those things in
powerful and practical ways.
Now is the time for you to do your part. Do it today while you're thinking
about it. The matching grant will double your gift to provide twice as much
help in the fight against cancer.
Your tax-deductible gift will help ensure that when a cancer survivor needs
practical help and inspiration, a LIVESTRONG Survivorship Center will be
there to provide it.
Remember, the matching grant will double the power of your gift. It's quick
and easy, and it will make a significant difference in the fight against

Mitch Stoller
President and CEO
Lance Armstrong Foundation
