Extending the range of an electric bike...

Simon Brooke wrote:
> in message <[email protected]>, Paul
> Murphy ('[email protected]') wrote:
>> "Simon Brooke" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> in message <[email protected]>,
>>> [email protected] ('[email protected]') wrote:

>> <snip thoughts on extending electric bike range>
>>>> Any comments? Ideas?
>>> Dump the battery and the motor, and you extend the range
>>> immediately. Next thing to dump is the overweight frame.

>> I think Dave is looking for sensible ideas to meet his needs
>> (although the battery DC to DC inverter does sound extreme). Clearly
>> dumping those items you propose will leave him walking unless
>> replaced.

> He could always pedal. He would be /shocked/ how little effort it
> would take, on a good bike.

I agree :) - a winning idea in terms of extending the range (and trying to
maintain fitness at the same time).
On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 21:50:58 +0100, "Paul Murphy"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Certainly owners of such bikes run that risk and even more likely if they're
>involved in an accident, a lawyer acting for the other side might pounce on
>the bikes legality.

Certainly for bikes that look like this:
as that would be an obvious target ;-)

>If it's a more ready made solution you're after, I'd suggest contacting the
>manufacturer/distributor. DIY solutions usually don't have the same
>reliability or professional appearance. Alternatively some of the retailers
>who specialise in electric bikes may be able to help.

In general, a simple optical encoder, or magnetic equivalent to
prevent dirt from interfering, wired into a transformer and rectified
to a relay/"trany" should be very simple to insert into any control
system. Obviously, experience with and/or a qualification in,
electronics would help with building the system ;-)

As long as the bike already has the control systems in place to limit
the maximum speed, the "pedelec" implementation should be quite
simple. I guess the hardest type to do would be a "unit" in the style
of the Zap SX/DX where there is little, if any external wiring to tap

Does anyone know if the Zap SX is any good? (For assisting commuting,
rather than as an alternative to pedaling.)