Goldencheetah Metric Exports For My Master Thesis


New Member
Jul 11, 2015
Hi everyone,

I'm in progress of writing my master thesis (computer science) and my topic
deals with the modeling of training and automatically generated training plans.

As part of my thesis I'm developing a system which uses the metrics exports of
GoldenCheetah as a data source.
To be able to better test the system I ask you to send me your GoldenCheetah
metric export files. You would help me a lot to improve the system.

I'll make the system publically available and I think it could help some people
to better plan their training.

Please mail me your metric export files to [email protected]
It would be nice, if you would describe your sensor setup in your mail. Like,
if you use a real power meter, what kind of power meter or what kind of heart
beat sensor you use.

Thank you!

If you want to use pgp, my key (41976FF8) can be found on the public key