How hard do you push yourself?


New Member
Aug 25, 2003
I was out today with a bunch of riders more advanced than myself. The pace was mostly fine for this 80/90km ride. But it was a particularly hot day and very humid. On the ride I lost about 3.5kilos. This time of year Im doing that quite regularly on my rides. Towards then end I really hit a wall I put down to fluid loss.

I was wondering if I am making a big mistake slogging it out with these guys. When it comes time for me to pull a turn on the front, I often get half wheeled, criticised for riding in the wrong gears, and bagged for doing short turns. I feel real "peleton" pressure to not be soft, and get demoralised when I decide to ease off the back. It actually pisses me off a bit sometimes, because I am a reasonable cyclist of around B/C Grade standard, and have no pretentions about my ability. How can I improve if I stay with the easier rides that dont challenge me? Maybe I should, until the harder rides feel easy? I just dont know what to do. Do I have to keep slogging it out!!

Firstly, 3.5 kg is 3.5 l of water. How much are you drinking? Secondly I might think twice about going out with those guys, not because of the apparent difference in performance, but because they don't appear to be very friendly!
Finally, the important thing too ask yourself what you want from cycling? I regularly go out with a group of guys who I have no doubt are considerably better than me. Untill I got used to it, I used to drink energy drink (Lucazade). I know its not fun when you feel that you are slowing the other guys down, but if you get into the right crowd, they will wait, support you and and select flatter routes. My problems didn't last long because with training and experience, I was able to keep up.
I hope things get better for you. Keep it up and I hope it cools down a bit for you!
Agree, hydration is a big concern. And I wouldn't care to ride with these guys either.....sounds like they think they are hot stuff. But the challenge could be an excellent motivator, and nothing will get you up to speed faster.

I'd suggest not going out with them no more than every other week, or maybe once a month. That way, you can recover, train in between, and use them as a gauge of your progress.

Also, no need to kill yourself. Suggest you go hard with them for the first 20-30 miles. Then if you can't keep up, tell the guys you're hammered, drop off and go home. After a few months, I bet you'll be right there at the end.

And when you do get up to speed with this group, just remember to help out other guys trying to step up and join you.