Illegal iPod While Cycling?

>>There have been many, not just a few, times when I've heard something
dangerous approaching from behind. Or, for that matter, heard someone
was riding behind me crash or get a flat. In either instance, my
and only my hearing, allowed me to react to the situation in a way that
better than if I didn't hear whatever it was. <<

Or you could just keep alert to traffic with your mirror like you are
suppose to.
Your downed friend could yell I guess.

I found some great headphones though. Sennheiser MX550, 113 DB,
116 OHMS, $26.
Great sound and the plus plus is for cyclists. You can hear what is
going on around you since the bud is smaller and fits comfortably. I
think the kind with noise reduction of surroundings would be counter
productive for us. Sennheiser is known for having high quality in a
very cheap price.

take back the street