Improve Strength during Winter


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
I want to get peoples' opinions about how to best improve strength and muscular endurance during the off season. My weakpoint is climbing and pedaling on the straight parts of mtn bike races... So I'm wondering if I should concentrate on weight lifting and lay off the biking during most of the winter months or if I should forget about the weight lifting and focus on high resistance pedaling....or I've also heard that maintenance (low intensity endurance) during the winter months is the way to go...? -Thx
Originally posted by 2LAP
Are you trying to get this one in while RicStern is away? :)
I don't understand your question...who is RicStern? I'm new to this website
to improve strength during winter should one eat alot more then usuall (adding more size to your muscles) or is it fine to maintain the same weight but still become a stronger faster rider? thanks
Just eating more will likely just make you fat.

I am not a believer that weight training is a waste, nor that it doesn't matter. A couple extra pounds of muscle are welcomed by me. And that's about all a drug-free lifter (other than gentically gifted or young first-time lifters) can add over a winter.
i have added 15lbs in a summer and that was all mass, i maxed out at 6bf% when i bulked. i have lost no size in a few months. i cant vouch for pro cyclists, but off season is when many atheletes (body building and foot ball players, others im sure) will up the calories a good bit and hit the gym 110%.. they gain lots of size with minimal fat gains if you eat clean.
Originally posted by babynate
I want to get peoples' opinions about how to best improve strength and muscular endurance during the off season. My weakpoint is climbing and pedaling on the straight parts of mtn bike races... So I'm wondering if I should concentrate on weight lifting and lay off the biking during most of the winter months or if I should forget about the weight lifting and focus on high resistance pedaling....or I've also heard that maintenance (low intensity endurance) during the winter months is the way to go...? -Thx
Do both. Strength training will increase your muscle mass which will make you stronger for climbing but you should keep riding as you'll need the cardio.