****In the Beginning...****


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Hi everyone. My name is Q, I'm 17 and I live about an half hour south of Chicago. Just yesterday I recieved my first road bike and today I rode for a couple hours and I loved every minute of it. I have been biking (moutain) for a little while but I really want to get into serious racing. Can any of you help me out by telling some things I need to know about multi-stage/day races and single day races. I thank all of you in advance!!!!
celerilux said:
Hi everyone. My name is Q, I'm 17 and I live about an half hour south of Chicago. Just yesterday I recieved my first road bike and today I rode for a couple hours and I loved every minute of it. I have been biking (moutain) for a little while but I really want to get into serious racing. Can any of you help me out by telling some things I need to know about multi-stage/day races and single day races. I thank all of you in advance!!!!

If you just got your bike, don't even worry about racing. You just need to ride, ride, ride, and ride some more. You need to get used to the bike and let your body get used to it as well. Take it a step at a time.
Ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike.

Find a local club/team in your area and ride with them.

Ride your bike, ride your bike, ride your bike.

Learn how to ride in a group.

See how you do. Do not expect much for the first year of riding. Then you will begin to really ' shift gears'. :D

THEN, begin to look into racing.

Happy riding and welcome to the best sport in the world, my friend. :)