Is it necessary to take supplements?


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum as I usually post on a running forum. I'm interested to get the opinion of cyclists on nutritional habits and supplementation. What supplements do you rely on? Do you follow a specific diet during training/competition?

The topic of conversation ties in nicely with my dissertation title, where I have designed a questionnaire to try and get an understanding of nutritional knowledge/views and perceptions of nutrition and supplementation use among sports participants. This may come across a very cheeky but if you have 5 minutes I would be really grateful if you could fill it out for me

If not, I'm still interested in a discussion on the topic. When i'm doing a lot of running, I still only eat a balanced diet and I don't take any supplements, but I do use sports drinks. Does anyone take any supplements to improve their performance?
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If you use to use this without the prescription and apply the self medication or experience then it can bring harm for your self.But in few cases these might be very beneficial but after consulting with your Doc.
seo consultant
I'm not going to fill out some survey without any knowledge what your system is gleaming from my computer. But I will say this to you, I don't take any supplements and I ride a bike about 4,000 miles a year in the spring through fall time window, I am 58 and I weigh 160 pounds at 6' tall. I believe you don't need supplements, if your eating right your foods contain all the nutrients necessary to maintain a healthy body. I use to race too, and still never took vitamin supplements during that 10 year period. I did get into a kick of taking vitamins when I got suckered into going to an all vegan diet, but after 8 months and the vegan diet not working at all for me, I went back to my old diet of eating good rounded meals and no supplements. About 97% of all vitamin supplements you take in get ****** right back out, so you're just pissing vits and money into a toilet, maybe the fish like it!

Now I'm 58 still do not take supplements. I get a in depth physical every year because I ride a lot to make sure everything is still good to go, and not once did a doc say I need a certain nutrient or vitamin supplement. I do get colds though, about once every other year or maybe every third year, and they last the usual 7 to 10 days (they seem to last a bit longer now that I'm older). I have tried with my last cold taking ColdEze (sp?) at the first sign of a cold and it did seem to work with my cold lasting about 3 to 4 days. So the next time I get a cold I will take that as my only supplement for the duration of the cold.

So in summary I don't believe in vitamin supplements.
Originally Posted by ndonnelly .

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum as I usually post on a running forum. I'm interested to get the opinion of cyclists on nutritional habits and supplementation. What supplements do you rely on? Do you follow a specific diet during training/competition?

The topic of conversation ties in nicely with my dissertation title, where I have designed a questionnaire to try and get an understanding of nutritional knowledge/views and perceptions of nutrition and supplementation use among sports participants. This may come across a very cheeky but if you have 5 minutes I would be really grateful if you could fill it out for me

If not, I'm still interested in a discussion on the topic. When i'm doing a lot of running, I still only eat a balanced diet and I don't take any supplements, but I do use sports drinks. Does anyone take any supplements to improve their performance?
There are quite a few (legal) supplements that can be taken to enhance performance, that have evidence (i.e., peer review) to support their use. I'm sure you're aware of this?

I take suplements, mostly Protein powder after a ride with a bit of creatine, helps with muscle recovery
They're not for everyone, but I find that actigin for endurance & beast creature for creatine helps me.