Looking for a New Saddle


New Member
Dec 22, 2005
Hi guys ,
I am new with road cycling . I have Giant OCR 3 with stock setting . My saddle is killing me . I get numbness and and sometimes i cannot feel my " private parts " after two hour rides . excuse my langauge . but guys I really need your help with getting a new saddle . I am 184 Cm Hight , 96 Kgs wt . and my bike frame size is 57 cm .. any help and saddle recommendations will be appreciated ..

You will get a lot of replies to the effect, "I have ridden n thousand miles on Brand x, Model y saddle, with no problems. I love it." But, I encourage you to put your first priority on finding a saddle that does not do permanent harm. It is no longer theory or speculation that cycling can result in ED. It is a fact. You might want to scan this thread for a discussion of the issue http://www.cyclingforums.com/t288652-.html. Note that I am not promoting any specific product, but simply pointing you in a direction for your research. FWIW, I ride a Selle Italia SLR saddle (not the gel version) and one of its most important design features is the narrow and long nose, resulting in virtually no pressure on my inner thighs. It has enough cushion (one notch above concrete) at the sitz bones, so after a little adaptation it is sufficiently comfortable.
Haitham said:
Hi guys ,
I am new with road cycling . I have Giant OCR 3 with stock setting . My saddle is killing me . I get numbness and and sometimes i cannot feel my " private parts " after two hour rides . excuse my langauge . but guys I really need your help with getting a new saddle . I am 184 Cm Hight , 96 Kgs wt . and my bike frame size is 57 cm .. any help and saddle recommendations will be appreciated ..


If you know of any bike shop close to you, pay them a visit and ask them if they have some saddles you can try out. I was able to determine which saddle fits me when I had my bike fit. The bike fitting did not only come with ,of course, the bike fitting but the shop also had several saddles I could try on and see which is the most comfortable for me. I ended up getting the Serfas DDVADO. See if you can find a bike shop willing to work with you. It's business for them in the end anyway. Good luck.
If you are more aware of the front of the saddle than the rear, it's bike fit. Were you professionally set up on the bike?

Try the seat a little more forward and nose down, use a spirit level. Is the seat too high or too low? Also are the bars and stem too low? Angle of bars, how are the wrists?
Thanx guys for the replies
RapDaddyo : I read the link u provided and it is very useful and i might get the E3 saddle .
eortiz : I dont have any bike shops in my small city . thats why I posted in the forums to see ppl's recomendations
gclark8 : I already have the seat angled with lowered nose . The stem is not low and i get sometimes some numbness in the little fingers of my hands

- I Have a wide pelvis . and as i said my quit a big guy so the pressure is greater on the private areas

I hope to get seat recommendations from ppl .. Looking forwrad to getting more replies to the post
I echo what has already been said about picking the saddle that feels best for you

In making your mind up, do look at the SelleSMP range and read the technical article on their website - it is fairly independant was published in the journal of sexual medicine...

I ride this one, the Selle SMP Pro and find it to be very comfortable.
Haitham said:
Thanx guys for the replies
RapDaddyo : I read the link u provided and it is very useful and i might get the E3 saddle .
eortiz : I dont have any bike shops in my small city . thats why I posted in the forums to see ppl's recomendations
gclark8 : I already have the seat angled with lowered nose . The stem is not low and i get sometimes some numbness in the little fingers of my hands

- I Have a wide pelvis . and as i said my quit a big guy so the pressure is greater on the private areas

I hope to get seat recommendations from ppl .. Looking forwrad to getting more replies to the post
At your size and weight, a skinny italian saddle may not work. You need enough width to support your sitzbones, and enough firmness and structure so you don't sink in. You should feel your weight on your bones, at the rear of the saddle.

The SLR saddle RD mentioned will feel hard when tested with your thumb, but give you great support on the road. It's still pretty narrow though, and if your sitzbones hang over the edges....that's going to hurt.

Specialized has saddles now in different widths, plus a little foam pad you sit on to measure what you need. You might try getting fitted for one at an LBS. The old Brooks solid leather saddles are also wider; some guys here really love them too.

Other advice would be to stand up frequently, either when climbing or on the flats just coasting. Don't wait until you go numb, but make it a point to stand for a full minute every 15 minutes or so from the start of your ride to restore circulation.
I have also heard good things about the Fizik Ariones saddles. As I haven't had first hand experience its based on hearsay and some reviews I read but I am looking for a new saddle myself and they seem well designed so you might want to have a look...
domaindomain said:
I echo what has already been said about picking the saddle that feels best for you

In making your mind up, do look at the SelleSMP range and read the technical article on their website - it is fairly independant was published in the journal of sexual medicine...

I ride this one, the Selle SMP Pro and find it to be very comfortable.

I have prostate issues and switched to the Selle SMP Pro a few months ago. After several years of riding with saddle discomfort I can honestly say that the Selle SMP Pro makes a huge difference for me.