Lots of punctures

I am getting lots of pictures recently. Could the reason be that my
tyres are about 6 years old and have done well over 1000 miles? Should
I buy new outers and would this help stop punctures?

Any help welcome on this.
John wrote:

>I am getting lots of pictures recently. Could the reason be that my
> tyres are about 6 years old and have done well over 1000 miles? Should
> I buy new outers and would this help stop punctures?

How many punctures? Have you discovered the cause? One possibility is that
you're not running enough pressure and your're getting "pinch flats" from
the tire bottoming out when hitting pot holes. Or maybe there's a sliver of
glass or wire embedded in the tire that's causing the punctures. Run you
thumb around the inside of the tire to see if there's anything there.
Another possibility is that the rim strip that covers the spoke holes inside
the rim is not positioned correctly. Or maybe you just need to be more
careful about riding through broken glass.

A tire should be replaced when the casing is cut or when the tread is worn
nearly to the cords (and that shouldn't happen after just 1000 miles). What
kind of tire is it? You need to investigate a bit. Examine the tube and tire
and try to figure out what's going on.

Art Harris
Thanks for the reply. The pressure is right, as it is marked on the
outside of the tyre, and I pump it almost to the maximum, about 4.9
bar, max is 5.1. I will do as you suggest re. anything inside the tyre,
also I'll have a look at the rim strip. I've an idea it could be a
faulty valve as this is a new inner tube. After further inspection,
after lunch, I'll let you know how I get on.
The tube had a 3 inch split on the inside. Faulty manufacture I think,
so it is going back to the shop for a replacment.