Mayor Ken's secret plan to rid London of cycling menace.

Tony W wrote:
> "Tony Raven" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...

>>What do you mean? When I were a lad that was _the_ way you abseiled!
>>Been down all sorts of terrain in the Lakes, Scotland, Wales and Alps
>>that way. Bowline and two half hitches round the waist to tie on too.
>>None of these fancy harnesses and stuff

> One can hardly claim a figure of 8 decender is 'hi tech' !!

I didn't but neither has it always been around and people somehow
managed to abseil without it before it existed


"I did make a mistake once - I thought I'd made a mistake but I hadn't"
mark wrote:
> "MartinM" wrote
> Dulfersitz: Straddle the ropes, bring the rope up and over one's shoulder
> from behind, then across the front of the torso and down past the opposite
> hip. Painful, not recommended, only works on low angle terrain, only done in
> the direst of emergencies. I tried this once on a very short rappel, we were
> descending from a long route in Yosemite Valley after bivying on the summit
> of Sentinel Rock and my partner thought it would be faster than unpacking
> the harnesses. Never again.

What is the technique where you stand with arms outstretched, with the
rope wrapped once (twice?) round each arm? I've seen it done but I'm
not a climber :)
