Mel Gibsons True Colors?

2FAST4U said:
Ahem...just a little technical advice...If you remove the "/" from from the first set of parenthesis, your "fish in the barrel" remark will appear in bold and look a little more tidy....

Thanks - you're a real trooper.
2FAST4U said:
Ahem...just a little technical advice...If you remove the "/" from from the first set of parenthesis, your "fish in the barrel" remark will appear in bold and look a little more tidy....
Its nice how we all look out for eachother, here in "the box" :)
Yes, I wondered that. I mean, I know I ain't exactly "normal" but what I didn't know is there are so many other odd characters who do cycling. I wonder if cycling sends one nutso, so to speak? :p
My excuse is 120 pulse bike rides and a fondness for alcohol - especially gold label. I wonder what Wurm and Booger's excuse is, though, (for their bizarre outlooks). :D

stevebaby said:
The common bond of being lunatics in the asylum? :D
stevebaby said:
The common bond of being lunatics in the asylum? :D
Oh ,Oh can I be the keeper of the nuthouse. I promise to be abusive and ill tempered.
jhuskey said:
Oh ,Oh can I be the keeper of the nuthouse. I promise to be abusive and ill tempered.
Hired!The salary's lousy but the hours are great,and you can work from home.