Mount Falcon Colorado [video]



Man, these girls made the video I was expecting Poochkums to make.
although he's not that good of a rider, hyper-feminism MTBing is his
style, he is an excelled photographer, filmographer.

But his video was a cop out, and he probably didn't even ride Falcon,
that guy that said he was him, was a RUSH lemmy.

These people might also be RUSH people. Girls, in fact. Even possibly
dykes, but there's nothing wrong with that, hehe...

But at 1:15 they show one of the three rock gardens at the top of
Falcon. Look how fast she's going. About 7MPH. I hit this (with that
racer right behind me) at 20MPH easily twice as fast as what's shown
in this video, and cleared it in like 1 second, and that racer was
right on my ass, like dog fighting in WW1. They can clear Falcon, but
as you learn to clear tech sections, then you change the entire
experience of the trail by maximizing the other skills of MTBing, such
as speed, and balance.

These bikers are good overall bikers, demonstrated by their uphill
skills. No MTB trail is the same, it's like a new experience entirely
when you goto a new trail. It's like you've never done it before -
that's what the addiction is. A new way of challenging your senses and
exhillerating yourself. Each trail is a new style of euphoria.

I didn't like this video because it doesn't show the trail in its
isness, it basically is a quick trail review. I suspect these people
work in the news industry and know Virginia Newbon. The whole appeal
to MTB videos is to show the trail in its full isness. Ride-A-Lot does
that on his sissytrails, he's a good videographer, but wussy queen
rider.. Ride-A-Lot should offer them video lessons, and in turn they
give him biking lessons, muhwaha...