NBG Jim's Nebraska Report: Silos, Cattle Trucks and Happy Horns

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Cycle America/N

Hi Everyone: Today the sun is shining, the flies are biting and life is good (that is if you can go
fast enough to get away from them). Hwy 30 is excellent in places, it is horrible in others, in
general not a recommended route, but every time I say this the shoulder starts again. Problem is I
never know when. Someone just told me that from now on there will be a shoulder except in a few
short spots.

Met Ron Dunham from Michigan who was walking to Seattle. He had a small rickshaw full of his
possessions. He really liked my trike. He was amazed at all I had in my little bag. He walks 25
miles a day, hoping to up it to 30.

Yesterday I talked to a local about the huge grain elevators around here. Each of the silos holds
about 50 or more truck loads of grain. I just passed a group of silos, there must have been 30 or
40. On Holloween in Dennison a chunk of one silo, near the bottom, broke out. All the corn spilled
out causing quite a stir for that small community.

Today I saw hundreds of cattle trucks heading west. When I asked Bob Rausch, a local I stopped to
visit with in his yard along the way, he said they were going to a slaughter house down the road.
They butcher 2500 animals per shift and they run two shifts. Hopefully some of the truck traffic
will drop off once I pass that plant. Bob had a pond, including reeds and all on his property. There
was a big sign that said 'No Fishing'. He raises coy, and did not want anyone coming to eat them.

He also told me small farms are gone. They just cannot compete. It is sad as the bike riding becomes
boring in some large areas. Regardless of where you look there are either plowed fields for miles or
rows of crops for miles. The cross wind I am experiencing today is due to this as the majority of
wind rows are gone. They do not want to waste the space.

Very few flowers to report on. Some small white ones with cones are rather unique.

Hwy 30 is really the old overland route the pioneers took in the early 1800. In 1847 it became the
Mormon trail and later yet it became the Military trail. Now it is a bike trail, ha ha.

Limited my ride today to 50 miles so my body could rest up a bit. Will be camping in the city park
in Columbus tonight. A local said he thought it should be okay. Too bad I did not get his name so
when the police I can say it was his fault. Why aren't you riding Jim? I'm in jail for asking the
wrong guy about the city rules -- heck, I needed the break anyway.

I continually am amazed that very few cars seem irritated with me being on the Hwy, actually holding
them up. Very rarely do I get a horn and often it comes with a thumbs up. That does mean something
nice doesn't it?

Off to find that tent site, wish me luck. Jim

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If you want to start from the beginning and/or follow Jim our other NBG relay riders as they move
forward in the National Mayors' Ride at <http://www.bikeroute.com/NationalMayorsRide>, point to
their blog at <http://www.nationalbicyclegreenway.com/Events/Mayors_Ride/reports.php>. All of this
excitement will al be consummated at the second annual Santa Cruz NBG Bike Fest

btw: If you want to become a rider, we N E E D you!! Go to
<http://NationalBicycleGreenway.com/Events/Mayors_Ride/getstarted.php>, to find out how!! btw2: We
have pictures from the various ride legs on line at
http://www.nationalbicyclegreenway.com/gallery/2003Mayors btw3: If you want to see who these
cyclists are, go to <http://www.nationalbicyclegreenway.com/Events/Mayors_Ride/bios>.

MARTIN KRIEG: "Awake Again" Author c/o BikeRoute.com 79 & 86 TransAms, nonprofit Nat. Bicycle
Greenway CEO Ever wanted anything so bad U were willing to die for it? Really die? By moving thru
clinical death and reversing paralysis, *I saw God* when I answered that question.
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