Need info: Jack Taylor 1974 Tandem

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Biff Chucklehea

I am posting on behalf of a friend. If you choose to respond by email, I will forward your message
to him, but you might as well just follow up to the group and share the love.

He recently acquired the bicycle described in the subject line. After riding it, drinking and
surfing fruitlessly for information, we have the following questions:

1) We see mounts and guides on the bike (and threads on the rear hub, a "Phil") for what we suspect
is a rear drum brake. Did JT Tandems ship with such brakes? Are replacements available?

2) He is also missing other small parts -- front fender, generator, tail- and headlights. Any chance
of getting (authentic or reproduction) replacements?

The bike is a blast. I have encouraged him to post photos on the JT fan sites we found:


Thanks for any help.
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