Need Us Reviewers Of New Endurance & Recovery Powder


New Member
Oct 17, 2015
Los Angeles, CA
[SIZE=medium]So we have just introduced a new endurance and recovery drink called XOJO. In clinical tests it was shown to extend endurance and shorten recovery time. We have about 15 reviews on Amazon and are looking for 5 to 8 individuals who are willing to give it a free trial in return for an authentic review on Amazon. Below is a link on Amazon.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]If you live in the United States and are interested in reviewing send me a private message.[/SIZE]

If your not interested in writing a review but would still like to try the product, if you use the code "2recover" on Amazon it will take 20% off. If you are willing to write an authentic review we can arrange for you to get the powder for free.
Gee, would you like yourself to be a guinea pig for that supplement? What if something happens to you because of an unforeseen side effect? And I'm not talking of short term because the side effect may surface in a year or in a decade. What happens then? Pardon me for this negative comment but I am just on the cautious side. Those supplements are all dubious to me unless they possess in their label proof and not that disclaimer... No Approved Therapeutic Claims.
Just to clarify. I am not asking anyone to be a guinea pig. XOJO has been around for about three years in it's Ready To Drink form and used by collegiate teams and thousands of athletes. What makes it new is we have just developed it in a powder form. Also we are just starting to market it more to Endurance athletes (runners, cyclists and swimmers) as we have had really good feedback with those groups. It is FDA approved and there is no suspect ingredients. For more in depth questions feel free to visit the site FAQs.