New Member saying Hi :0)


New Member
Mar 26, 2007
Hi Everyone,

Just joined today and thought that I would say hi :)

hi right back at you
City said:
Hi Everyone,

Just joined today and thought that I would say hi :)
It's good to see that I'm not the only new one. Welcome.

What kind of riding are you doing at the moment? I see you are from the UK, so I guess you may have had a lot of non-riding weather over the past couple of months. Here in South Australia, we have had lots of very hot weather and I haven't gone riding for weeks. The forecast for this weekend looks more favourable - going to be cloudy and cool.. Hopefully there won't be too much wind.

Do you have lots of bikelanes or paths available to get away from the fast traffic? I think I've seen English programmes on TV showing cyclists without helmets. Is that right?
Hi, :D

At the moment I am currently doing general bike, going to the shop and back and maybe to the shopping centre. Although on Sunday I Plan to ride to my work place to see how long it will take me.

Bike riders without helmets.....I think those are the people who cycle with the self belief that they cannot get hurt while riding on the roads. But most people I have seen riding their bikes do wear helmets and reflective clothing.

There are a few roads that have cycle paths but most of these are in the main road...going along next to the flow of traffic.

South Australia, I would ride my bike every single day of the year if we had weather like you do over the moment the weather has been really messed up for the past few weeks. It was only a couple of weeks ago that the sun was out for about a week and then the next week it messed up is that!:eek:


Laterider1958 said:
It's good to see that I'm not the only new one. Welcome.

What kind of riding are you doing at the moment? I see you are from the UK, so I guess you may have had a lot of non-riding weather over the past couple of months. Here in South Australia, we have had lots of very hot weather and I haven't gone riding for weeks. The forecast for this weekend looks more favourable - going to be cloudy and cool.. Hopefully there won't be too much wind.

Do you have lots of bikelanes or paths available to get away from the fast traffic? I think I've seen English programmes on TV showing cyclists without helmets. Is that right?
At the moment we are entering almost perfect riding weather, which is a far cry from what we have experienced for months. When it is really hot you not only have to cope with heat generated within your body (when I stop my face feels like it is on fire and is bright red for quite a while), but also the sun exposure - the sun can be scorchingly hot. Sunblock is not really the answer, just wearing longer sleeves and pants if you can stand them.

I found riding of an evening - before dark, to be the answer to the hot weather. Only did town rides of an evening. I would not try riding in the dark as I worry that drivers won't be aware of me (even though I have bright lights and wear light coloured clothing). Intend to get a bright fluoro top for extra safety. Last year, during autumn, winter and spring, I went for 10-20+ km day-time rides on the nearby quiet roads just out of town. Luckily there are many quiet sealed roads and dirt tracks and each ride can be varied.

I can see that the weather in Britain would have its downfalls. Can't imagine how anyone would negotiate snow and copious amounts of rain. If it rains here I won't ride my bike as I don't want it to rust. I guess your weather could be a bit unpredictable.

Here in Australia, it is against the law to ride without a helmet. I didn't know if Britain was the same. By your answer I take it helmets are desirable, but still optional. We Aussies always have 'helmet hair', which is quite attractive, especially when it is combined with sweat. Such a good look!
(Please read between the lines!)
Oh yes I'm reading between the lines

Yesterday me and my other half cycled up to my work place to see how long it would take for us to get there...

It took ages yesterday because we stoped here and there...anyway I still wanted to cycle to work the following day and I did.

It took me 30mins to ride the 5 miles into work I really thought that it would take me longer!

I have to give myself a pat on the back!


Laterider1958 said:
At the moment we are entering almost perfect riding weather, which is a far cry from what we have experienced for months. When it is really hot you not only have to cope with heat generated within your body (when I stop my face feels like it is on fire and is bright red for quite a while), but also the sun exposure - the sun can be scorchingly hot. Sunblock is not really the answer, just wearing longer sleeves and pants if you can stand them.

I found riding of an evening - before dark, to be the answer to the hot weather. Only did town rides of an evening. I would not try riding in the dark as I worry that drivers won't be aware of me (even though I have bright lights and wear light coloured clothing). Intend to get a bright fluoro top for extra safety. Last year, during autumn, winter and spring, I went for 10-20+ km day-time rides on the nearby quiet roads just out of town. Luckily there are many quiet sealed roads and dirt tracks and each ride can be varied.

I can see that the weather in Britain would have its downfalls. Can't imagine how anyone would negotiate snow and copious amounts of rain. If it rains here I won't ride my bike as I don't want it to rust. I guess your weather could be a bit unpredictable.

Here in Australia, it is against the law to ride without a helmet. I didn't know if Britain was the same. By your answer I take it helmets are desirable, but still optional. We Aussies always have 'helmet hair', which is quite attractive, especially when it is combined with sweat. Such a good look!
(Please read between the lines!)
I'm lucky in that I only have to ride 2.5 km to get to work and this morning it took me under 10 mins. At 8.10 a.m. when I leave home, our small city is just waking up and there is very little traffic. The home trip is more eventful and busy though.

Yesterday a 4 wheel drive towing a caravan pulled out in front of me from a petrol station driveway. The older driver eventually saw me (when I was about 10 feet away) and stopped well over half way into the road (I had the brakes applied already). Had to ride up close to the middle line to go round him. And today I was coming up to a round-about and another 4 wheel drive overtook me about 10 feet from the intersection and turned left in front of me! That vehicle's passenger side mirror had been snapped off - perhaps the younger female driver had cut somebody off before! Needless to say, I am riding very defensively.

Today I rode my Avanti and yesterday, my old 10 speed (30 years old). Must admit that todays ride was much more comfortable. I felt I needed the more efficient brakes too!

Going to ride again tomorrow - hope it's not going to be 3 times and then you're out.
I think thats my fear the four wheeled devils doing me some sort of harm.

My thighs are hurting me and every time I get to Tower Bridge I say to myself, don't get off the bike don't get off the bike, cause if I do it once I will do it all the time!...although it is tempting....:rolleyes:

well I rode my bike into work today as well, going to try and keep it up cause it don't take me long and the ride back home is nice and easy!:D

Laterider1958 said:
I'm lucky in that I only have to ride 2.5 km to get to work and this morning it took me under 10 mins. At 8.10 a.m. when I leave home, our small city is just waking up and there is very little traffic. The home trip is more eventful and busy though.

Yesterday a 4 wheel drive towing a caravan pulled out in front of me from a petrol station driveway. The older driver eventually saw me (when I was about 10 feet away) and stopped well over half way into the road (I had the brakes applied already). Had to ride up close to the middle line to go round him. And today I was coming up to a round-about and another 4 wheel drive overtook me about 10 feet from the intersection and turned left in front of me! That vehicle's passenger side mirror had been snapped off - perhaps the younger female driver had cut somebody off before! Needless to say, I am riding very defensively.

Today I rode my Avanti and yesterday, my old 10 speed (30 years old). Must admit that todays ride was much more comfortable. I felt I needed the more efficient brakes too!

Going to ride again tomorrow - hope it's not going to be 3 times and then you're out.
Keep it up! As you gain fitness, the Tower Bridge will become less daunting and you'll be flying up there in no time. :)
I agree with matagi. Keep working on the bridge. It does get easier, and it's amazing how quickly you can see an improvement in stamina.

Today was a good run to work. 7.5 km round trip and no 4 wheel drive incidents! I kept to the quieter roads and used a bike track for 1 km on the way home.
Hello and welcome from Australia,

Welcome to the forum, it can be very helpful and entertaining and even annoying now and then.

I love London. I've only ever caught the bus, taxi and walked on your roads - I don't think I would be too sure about riding in the traffic.

What do you ride?

That is what I always told myself, but wanted to start being more active and healthier so I decided to cycle to work....started on Monday just gone.

So far it's been cool, I ride safe make sure that I have all my safety equipment on etc.

I ride a DiamondBack MB, its a nice bike and gets me from A-Z lol

Do you own a bike?

janiejones said:
Hello and welcome from Australia,

Welcome to the forum, it can be very helpful and entertaining and even annoying now and then.

I love London. I've only ever caught the bus, taxi and walked on your roads - I don't think I would be too sure about riding in the traffic.

What do you ride?
Hi there. I'm from the south-east (not quite London) and new to the forum too. Well done for braving the London traffic. I found it really intimidating at first, but it quickly becomes second nature!

I'm just starting to ride again after a long break (nearly two years since I last rode with any regularity). Stopped after getting ill with pleurisy and am finding it really hard to get back into it. I plan to be cycling to work regularly by the summer (it's about 20 miles each way). Seems like a distant dream on current performace though:(
Don't worrie Katie, I am sure that you will get back on your bike and your memory will then become a living dream.

I am just hoping that I keep it riding to work each week I save near enough a £100 per month, when I see the extra cash in bank I know that it is well worth it!:D

KatieS said:
Hi there. I'm from the south-east (not quite London) and new to the forum too. Well done for braving the London traffic. I found it really intimidating at first, but it quickly becomes second nature!

I'm just starting to ride again after a long break (nearly two years since I last rode with any regularity). Stopped after getting ill with pleurisy and am finding it really hard to get back into it. I plan to be cycling to work regularly by the summer (it's about 20 miles each way). Seems like a distant dream on current performace though:(
I hope so....I really do.

matagi said:
Keep it up! As you gain fitness, the Tower Bridge will become less daunting and you'll be flying up there in no time. :)
City said:
Don't worrie Katie, I am sure that you will get back on your bike and your memory will then become a living dream.
Well, I'm giving it my best shot!

I am just hoping that I keep it riding to work each week I save near enough a £100 per month, when I see the extra cash in bank I know that it is well worth it!:D
That sounds like a lot of treats to reward yourself with to me:D
Did you cycle to work again this morning? Glorious weather for it, so hope you were able to!

I cycled to Brighton yesterday - 35 miles, the longest ride I've done in a very long time. It was ok, apart from some nutter taking their wing mirror off on my elbow:eek: . I was pleased I wasn't too wrecked when I got there - even had the energy for a wee bit of shopping when I arrived:)