of all the moronic nanny-state nonsense...

I read his explanation for quitting Instagram, Facebook, and Strava.

I don't understand the challenges to his feats. He started racing again after what a 10 year hiatus while earning his PhD and goes to Category 1 in his first year. Finished races second place to Hincapie. I'd pull the plug too, if I were him.

I also do not understand the Libtards desire to tax and hold "bullet" manufacturers liable for firearm murders. We all know the real culprit is gunpowder but upon closer examination, we need to find the Creator of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulphur. This is really not a separate issue.

It really gets down to people expecting someone else to keep them free from harm. "Safe" if you will. Freedom from any discomfort, especially in New Haven, Cambridge, Berkeley or Princeton or other such factories of fallacious thought. (somebody else finish the sentence, I could only find profanities)
The people that questioned the accuracy of Brian Toone's Garmin must not have know he rides with 3 or 4 of them and an off-brand computer all at the same time! Idiots.

I also do not understand the Libtards desire to tax and hold "bullet" manufacturers liable for firearm murders. We all know the real culprit is gunpowder but upon closer examination, we need to find the Creator of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulphur. This is really not a separate issue.

I'm all for going after the Creator/God/Supreme Being for coming up with mankind. Bush's...er...His fault!
Didn't Brian post pictures of the cycle computers before and after to "prove" that he did the ride?

When it gets to that point, it is time to cancel the account like he did. Life is too short.
They are all dangerous.

Stay inside.

What type of idiot goes "all in" on trying to win a downhill KOM? Extreme downhill speed is for daredevils. You live like a daredevil, you will die like one too. I like using starva and beating times on segments, but never downhills. Give me a climb to compete any day,but thats it.
What type of idiot goes "all in" on trying to win a downhill KOM? Extreme downhill speed is for daredevils. You live like a daredevil, you will die like one too. I like using starva and beating times on segments, but never downhills. Give me a climb to compete any day,but thats it.

I was responding to the unknowable question of which routes are dangerous.

We are never free from risk.

There is always probability of an incident and then the severity thereof.

Free men must chose the level of acceptable risk. Assumption of risk. I do not assume the risk of a texting idiot. They kill me and my estate will make their life hell forever. Eye for an eye.

Letting it rip down an unknown mountain road or a road with lots of intersections or driveways is merely an opportunity for Mother Nature to cleanse the gene pool.
nothing is safe. even typing on a computer isn't safe, nothing is, the only certainty is that one day you will die, that's it.
and furthermore, it's part of liberal ideology that one should have freedom of expression, so in my opinion this claim is bogus.
I think it was his fault. He was adult who knew exactly the risk involved. If he was underage, it would have been a different case.
nothing is safe. even typing on a computer isn't safe, nothing is, the only certainty is that one day you will die, that's it.
and furthermore, it's part of liberal ideology that one should have freedom of expression, so in my opinion this claim is bogus.

Strava prevailed in this one but there will be more stupid suits filed. You can blame it on lawyers but they get paid well to win suit whereas jurors get a few dollars to make stupid decisions.
I used to ride up by Tilden Park when I was a kid. Going down hills there was scary as heck. If he was doing that , just to be called "King of the Hill", he was asking for trouble, especially if he was doing 10 over the speed limit. Sometimes you have to just let it go, being the ex-champion is better than being the deceased rider trying to BECOME the king. Blaming Strava for HIS bad decision is absurd.