Re: For I-Pod users


Edward Dolan

"recycled-one" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Roger Zoul" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> recycled-one wrote:
>> ::
>> :: I 'have' to go for ride when I want to read, and when I want to go
>> :: for a ride I 'have' to read. Any one else like audio books?
>> ::
>> I listen to audio books on the drive to/from work. Not for cycling,
>> though. Too boring. I like a beat to pedal to.

> I like that too, but listening to books has really grown on me. It's not
> everyone's cuppa tea but I favour history and politics, especially 'The
> Modern Scholar' Lecture series. They are lectures done by various
> professors mostly in history. That and non-fiction from the likes Bob
> Woodward, Noam Chomsky, Morgan Spurlock, Sun Tzu makes me feel like I am
> improving the inner and the outer man - exercising the mind and the body.

Not me! I gave up on all improvement over 20 years ago. While I am riding my
bike I am thinking of how much I hate everyone and of various ways I would
like to commit murder. After I have exhausted all the ways of committing
murder, then I like to think of how I could torture my enemies. Finally, I
like to contemplate my own suicide (self murder). This is a deep study
indeed. How to kill oneself without botching it. This is not as easy as it
seems. I would like to go in a second and not linger with a lot of
suffering. I am thinking of various poisons as I only like to commit extreme
violence on others, not myself.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

PS. Anyone who takes newsgroups seriously is an idiot!
Edward Dolan wrote:
> This is a deep study
> indeed. How to kill oneself without botching it. This is not as easy as it
> seems. I would like to go in a second and not linger with a lot of
> suffering. I am thinking of various poisons as I only like to commit extreme
> violence on others, not myself.

I've heard good things about a tall bridge and 50 feet of piano wire
with a noose formed at the end...apparently, full decapitation is
almost guaranteed (and almost instantaneous), and the river below makes
an excellent repository for the remains. In addition, little cleanup is
required. Much more reliable than poison, although a bit of inexpensive
vino may be helpful in order to bolster one's courage.

> Regards,
> Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
> aka
> Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
> PS. Anyone who takes newsgroups seriously is an idiot!



Ed Dolan confessed...

While I am riding my bike I am thinking of how much I hate everyone and
of various ways I would like to commit murder. After I have exhausted
all the ways of committing murder, then I like to think of how I could
torture my enemies. Finally, I like to contemplate my own suicide (self
murder). This is a deep study indeed. How to kill oneself without
botching it. This is not as easy as it seems. I would like to go in a
second and not linger with a lot of suffering. I am thinking of various
poisons as I only like to commit extreme violence on others, not

Well, this is a telling admission from the demented Minnesota loon.
Ed, should you ever decide to torture or kill your enemies, be
forewarned that this would be an overwhelming, monumental, arduous task
with the many enemies you've made. Regardless, I'd suggest that you
reconsider since most of the enemies you wish to torture or kill would
kick your candy ass. I have a suggestion though should remain
undeterred. Why not compile and post a list of your enemies upon whom
you wish to commit extreme violence and I am sure that some would be
more than willing to accommodate you. Please do include me. As for
suicide, I'm all for it and hope that you find a suitable means and do
the deed as soon as possible. I've already put that one on my X-mas

Jim McNamara
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed Dolan confessed...
> While I am riding my bike I am thinking of how much I hate everyone and
> of various ways I would like to commit murder. After I have exhausted
> all the ways of committing murder, then I like to think of how I could
> torture my enemies. Finally, I like to contemplate my own suicide (self
> murder). This is a deep study indeed. How to kill oneself without
> botching it. This is not as easy as it seems. I would like to go in a
> second and not linger with a lot of suffering. I am thinking of various
> poisons as I only like to commit extreme violence on others, not
> myself.
> Well, this is a telling admission from the demented Minnesota loon.
> Ed, should you ever decide to torture or kill your enemies, be
> forewarned that this would be an overwhelming, monumental, arduous task
> with the many enemies you've made. Regardless, I'd suggest that you
> reconsider since most of the enemies you wish to torture or kill would
> kick your candy ass. I have a suggestion though should remain
> undeterred. Why not compile and post a list of your enemies upon whom
> you wish to commit extreme violence and I am sure that some would be
> more than willing to accommodate you. Please do include me. As for
> suicide, I'm all for it and hope that you find a suitable means and do
> the deed as soon as possible. I've already put that one on my X-mas
> list.

Alas, JimmyMac in no way qualifies for my enemies list. He is too uneducated
for that. I require others who are up to my own high standards. It would be
infra dignitatem for me to soil my hands with the likes of him. Ed Gin is
also infra dignitatem. Tom Sherman would qualify, but the trouble is that I
don't really dislike him all that much. We have become the best of enemies
in spite of ourselves.

I have decided that when I am totally fed up with this world I will simply
do away with myself. It is enough for me to know that everyone else in this
miserable world is also going to die. It is just a matter of time. Yea, even
JimmyMac, who thinks he is immortal, is going to die. I give him no more
than 20 years at best.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
"Dan B." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edward Dolan wrote:
> <snip>
>> This is a deep study
>> indeed. How to kill oneself without botching it. This is not as easy as
>> it
>> seems. I would like to go in a second and not linger with a lot of
>> suffering. I am thinking of various poisons as I only like to commit
>> extreme
>> violence on others, not myself.

> I've heard good things about a tall bridge and 50 feet of piano wire
> with a noose formed at the end...apparently, full decapitation is
> almost guaranteed (and almost instantaneous), and the river below makes
> an excellent repository for the remains. In addition, little cleanup is
> required. Much more reliable than poison, although a bit of inexpensive
> vino may be helpful in order to bolster one's courage.

Nope, I am a poison man. Many of the Nazi war criminals took poison. The
Japanese war criminals liked to disembowel themselves, but that is for
savages, not for men of high civilization like we of the West. Many folks
about here prefer to blow their heads off with a shotgun when the time
comes. Even when they do it in the bathroom it is still very messy!

By the way, I have had vino at all price ranges and the very best vino
turned out to be the cheapest. Why pay more?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't suicide the ultimate in extreme
violence that one can self-inflict? You'd think that a person who
professes to be of vastly superior intellect and also professes to be a
role model for us all to emulate, would have the common sense not to
reveal his dark side in a public forum to his alleged inferiors no
less, but we talking about the consumate conundrum Ed Dolan after all.
I'd consider HEAD Dolan to be a complete idiot if it were not for the
obvious fact that he has more than a few screws missing. Ed, don't
skip your meds or your appointment with the therapist. There's much
progress to be made if you are ever to achieve normalcy.

Jim McNamara

Not the "uneducated" claim again. You have got to be dumber than a
rock and as perceptive as the average tree stump. I've never know
anyone who insists on repeating the same **** over and over again as
though if said hundreds of time, someone might begin to believe it to
be true. I repeat. I am educated, have a degree, and I am confident
that I am certainly smarter than you are although you have deluded
yourself with the belief that you have no cerebral equal. I was not
misled by the pretentious use of a Latin phrase that has noting to do
with being below your dignity and everything to do with a pretense of
education and an excuse for cowardice. Ed, I don't think that I am
immortal, but this much I know. Should you ever muster the testicular
fortitude to include me on your enemy list ... the one you mull over
with thoughts of murder as recently admitted in a previous post, and
should you muster the testicular fortitude to enact your fantasy, you
mortality will be spoken of in the past tense.

Jim McNamara

Not the "uneducated" claim again. You have got to be dumber than a
rock and as perceptive as the average tree stump. I've never know
anyone who insists on repeating the same **** over and over again as
though if said hundreds of time, someone might begin to believe it to
be true. I repeat. I am educated, have a degree, and I am confident
that I am certainly smarter than you are although you have deluded
yourself with the belief that you have no cerebral equal. I was not
misled by the pretentious use of a Latin phrase that has noting to do
with being below your dignity and everything to do with a pretense of
education and an excuse for cowardice. Ed, I don't think that I am
immortal, but this much I know. Should you ever muster the testicular
fortitude to include me on your enemy list ... the one you mull over
with thoughts of murder as recently admitted in a previous post, and
should you muster the testicular fortitude to enact your fantasy, you
mortality will be spoken of in the past tense.

Jim McNamara
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed,
> Not the "uneducated" claim again. You have got to be dumber than a
> rock and as perceptive as the average tree stump. I've never know
> anyone who insists on repeating the same **** over and over again as
> though if said hundreds of time, someone might begin to believe it to
> be true. I repeat. I am educated, have a degree, and I am confident
> that I am certainly smarter than you are although you have deluded
> yourself with the belief that you have no cerebral equal. I was not
> misled by the pretentious use of a Latin phrase that has noting to do
> with being below your dignity and everything to do with a pretense of
> education and an excuse for cowardice.

If I had said "beneath dignity" it would not have had the same impact as
"infra dignatatem". This is something that only a highly educated person
such as myself would know and appreciate. Cultivation such as I have cannot
be gained by merely going to school for a number of years. No, not even at
such a prestigious school as Loyola University. You have to read widely in
order to acquire my sensibility. In fact, you have to be born into a family
of educated people. Otherwise, you are constantly behind the eight ball and
you never really catch up.

Ed, I don't think that I am
> immortal, but this much I know. Should you ever muster the testicular
> fortitude to include me on your enemy list ... the one you mull over
> with thoughts of murder as recently admitted in a previous post, and
> should you muster the testicular fortitude to enact your fantasy, you
> mortality will be spoken of in the past tense.

No, I regard you on the order of a fly or a mosquito. As much as you might
wish otherwise, I do not consider you worthy of me. You reek of working
class manners. Surely there are many others on your level that you could
consort with. You and Ed Gin were once friends? How in the blazes did that
ever happen, pray tell, unless you and he were much alike.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota
<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Ed,
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't suicide the ultimate in extreme
> violence that one can self-inflict? You'd think that a person who
> professes to be of vastly superior intellect and also professes to be a
> role model for us all to emulate, would have the common sense not to
> reveal his dark side in a public forum to his alleged inferiors no
> less, but we talking about the consumate conundrum Ed Dolan after all.

Yes, it is only advisable to do away with oneself after you have despaired
of living. I have known a couple of guys who blew their heads off with a
shotgun because they had terminal cancer and were in for nothing but a
universe of suffering. What is so wrong about that?

> I'd consider HEAD Dolan to be a complete idiot if it were not for the
> obvious fact that he has more than a few screws missing. Ed, don't
> skip your meds or your appointment with the therapist. There's much
> progress to be made if you are ever to achieve normalcy.

I am disgustingly normal, but I have chosen a persona for Usenet which is
not so normal. This way, we can all have some fun. To be normal is to be
impossibly dull, something that all novelists and other creators of fiction
know in their bones. By the way, you are not as normal as you think you are.
Your vendetta with Ed Gin was NOT normal - unless you were just kidding!


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota