Re: Iron man on NBC

On Mon, 2 May 2005 07:17:53 -0700, "jim & ieanne" <[email protected]> wrote:

>it is interesting ,the more the networks try to attract wider audiences the
>less time they spend on the sports .

This comes up a lot during the Olympics, and by 'wider' audiences they
mean female. But since women are such utter morons that we can't do
much more than clean toilets, we can't possibly understand the finer
points of sports. So they assume we'll only be reached with sappy
music and stories of orphans and diseases, etc. But then, take a look
at the top bestselling hardcover books: THe purpose Driven Life,
another book by peppy evangelist Joel Osteen, and other self-help
books and star autobiographies, the WIDER audience isn't just females.
It's the public out there who just eats up this shlock; even news
stories become soap operas (run away bride) or we turn them INTO soap
operas (Terry Shiavo).