Re: SBS nitpicking



On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:50:02 +1000, Carl Brewer <[email protected]>

>In general, I'm loving (but my sleep patterns aren't so sure!) the
>SBS coverage of le Tour, but I have a few nitpicks.
>Gabriel - just ditch it, it doesn't belong. I'm up late to watch
>bike races, not poxy half-arsed cooking stuff.

True. It is probably there so they can claim that the coverage is
mulitcultuaral and meets their charter.

However, it doesn't make much difference, as you say they don't show
the early stages of the race then join in the middle. Missing 10
minutes of the middle doesn't make much difference.

>Missing significant parts of the stage - live coverage is
>great, but many of the stages have significant events early on -

SBS appear to have bought a package with a certain amount of coverage
from Paul and Phil (for a US broadcaster??). Either end of that they
extend a bit with the other commentator. With Paul and Phil they
sometimes haven't appeared very aware of events at the begining of the
races either, there have been many things mention on live feeds on the
web that they have missed.

SBS are not going to show more of the race in prime time, we we should
just be greatful that they are showing a lot more this year than
previsously. It would be good is someone broadcast it all on a second
digital channel or pay TV but there just isn't the demand.

Who has digital or pay TV?

If it's not on free to air, then I'm out riding............
On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:56:51 +1000, Marx SS
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Who has digital or pay TV?
>If it's not on free to air, then I'm out riding............

If would they were showing all the Tour de France :)

Tonight it looks like the coverage is going to suck though: the first
stage in the Alps and SBS don't look to be joining till after the
first climb. Instead we get a repeat of a Beach Boys documentary.

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 09:18:43 GMT, [email protected] (dewatf)

>On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:56:51 +1000, Marx SS
><[email protected]> wrote:
>>Who has digital or pay TV?
>>If it's not on free to air, then I'm out riding............

>If would they were showing all the Tour de France :)
>Tonight it looks like the coverage is going to suck though: the first
>stage in the Alps and SBS don't look to be joining till after the
>first climb. Instead we get a repeat of a Beach Boys documentary.

Go protests?

Why are consenting adults trying to kill themselves riding up and down
big hills something that needs figthing?

Marx SS wrote:
> Who has digital or pay TV?

Doesn't everybody?

Theo Bekkers wrote:

Doesn't everybody?

I'm afraid not. Some people don't watch enough TV to justify it.

LotteBum wrote:
> Theo Bekkers wrote:

> > Doesn't everybody?

> I'm afraid not. Some people don't watch enough TV to justify it.

Do you have to justify it? I can't justify my three bicycles, or my
motorcycle, or the $40K of tools in my shed, or the 240 sq metre house for
the two of us and the two dogs, or the 104 cm LCD TV. Do I need to justify
my Foxtel? OK, I hate those bloody reality shows and there's not much else
on FTA TV.

I have no idea of how to justify the ten chooks. I'm sure buying eggs would
be cheaper. Oh, I know, they keep the snails out of the vegie garden.

Theo Bekkers wrote:

Do you have to justify it?

Not necessarily, however, I think most people on a limited budget would need to justify it - to themselves of course. Personally, I don't know a lot of people who have digital TV or Foxtel for that matter...

I can't justify my three bicycles,

I can justify both of mine - I ride them. One gets me to work (um... sometimes at the moment), the other lets me have fun.

or my motorcycle,

My other half has been begging me to 'let him' have one for 2 years now and he can come up with about a dozen reasons why he should have one. I think you can do better than that.

or the $40K of tools in my shed,

You built the house right?

or the 240 sq metre house for the two of us

You need space. And besides, that indoor velodrome comes in handy too, doesn't it?

and the two dogs,

They keep you sane, they're cute and they guilt trip you if you don't take them for a walk every day (mine does a good job of this, so I assume most other dogs do as well).

or the 104 cm LCD TV.

I don't even think I've set foot in a shop that sells that kind of stuff.

Do I need to justify my Foxtel? OK, I hate those bloody reality shows and there's not much else on FTA TV.

What's wrong with 4 Corners or Foreign Correspondent? Or The O.C. (kidding)?

I have no idea of how to justify the ten chooks. I'm sure buying eggs would
be cheaper. Oh, I know, they keep the snails out of the vegie garden.

You're getting better at this. They also eat your scraps and their poo is good for your vegie garden.


Of course you don't have to justify it - just to yourself. If you can
afford it, and you want it, who cares??

Just so long as your not some sort of ****** who struts around saying
"I don't know how I'd LIVE without my 104cm lcd flatscreen wankatron
digital..." :rollseyes: Its very Oztrayan to stand around your mates
indulgent purchases and nod admiringly. But very UN-Oztrayan for the
said mate to suggest its an essential purchase....

Anyway - that's what a cashed up Dad is for. I always cruise around to
my parents place if there is something really important I want to
watch. Plus I get him to tape the kids movies off Nickolodean so I've
got some ad free entertainment for the offspring on rainy days.........

Absent Husband (who only just bought his first DVD player, outlaying a
massive $50...)
I think last night showed the disadvantages of digital (in this case it was the links between motorbike and helicopter that seemed to be the blame).

In previous years, the coverage got more noisy (white spots) but was less likely to break completely and doesn't have the same restablishing time for the link.

So there are pictures of the tour climbs in the late 90's that were totally fogged in, but you still got a picture if a bit snowy.
Theo Bekkers said:
Marx SS wrote:
> Who has digital or pay TV?

Doesn't everybody?


Pay TV (& any TV really) is an excuse to sit on the couch.

Save the money. Buy another bike. Ride more. :)
Bikesoiler said:
Pay TV (& any TV really) is an excuse to sit on the couch.

Save the money. Buy another bike. Ride more. :)

Gonna start a new thread about this, dear? Mmmmm, back from the powdercoaters....happyhappyjoyjoyhappyhappyjoy :D
cfsmtb said:
Gonna start a new thread about this, dear? Mmmmm, back from the powdercoaters....happyhappyjoyjoyhappyhappyjoy :D

I'm going to do photos, then write thread... Mmmm...newly coated bits, shiney white, shiney black......
Absent Husband wrote:
> *laughing*
> Anyway - that's what a cashed up Dad is for. I always cruise around to
> my parents place if there is something really important I want to
> watch. Plus I get him to tape the kids movies off Nickolodean so I've
> got some ad free entertainment for the offspring on rainy
> days.........

Ummm, my kids do that too. Amazing how much spare money you've got for toys
after the kids leave home. :)

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:29:35 +1000, PiledHigher
<[email protected]> wrote:

>I think last night showed the disadvantages of digital (in this case it
>was the links between motorbike and helicopter that seemed to be the

In that case the director would have just switched to another camera.

The problem looked to either be with SBS or the end signal coming into
SBS. They had all sorts of problems with the logo they tried to put up

Then they got the base feed back but had trouble restoring the sound
for Phil and Paul over the top. Which was actually quite relaxing to
just watch the riders and the scenery without it being pointed out
that Lance Armstrong was riding behind his team just behind the front
of the Peleton to avoid trouble.

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, LotteBum wrote:

> Theo Bekkers wrote:
> Doesn't everybody?
> I'm afraid not. Some people don't watch enough TV to justify it.
> LotteBum

I'm edumucated, I red books and thngs.

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Theo Bekkers wrote:

> LotteBum wrote:
>> Theo Bekkers wrote:

>>> Doesn't everybody?

>> I'm afraid not. Some people don't watch enough TV to justify it.

> Do you have to justify it? I can't justify my three bicycles, or my
> motorcycle, or the $40K of tools in my shed, or the 240 sq metre house for
> the two of us and the two dogs, or the 104 cm LCD TV. Do I need to justify
> my Foxtel? OK, I hate those bloody reality shows and there's not much else
> on FTA TV.
> I have no idea of how to justify the ten chooks. I'm sure buying eggs would
> be cheaper. Oh, I know, they keep the snails out of the vegie garden.
> Theo

Wow Theo,

you own lots of ****. Don't suppose there's a Prado in there?

Tam ;)
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Theo Bekkers wrote:

> Absent Husband wrote:
>> *laughing*
>> Anyway - that's what a cashed up Dad is for. I always cruise around to
>> my parents place if there is something really important I want to
>> watch. Plus I get him to tape the kids movies off Nickolodean so I've
>> got some ad free entertainment for the offspring on rainy
>> days.........

> Ummm, my kids do that too. Amazing how much spare money you've got for toys
> after the kids leave home. :)
> Theo

Watch out, Theo,


Tam (back at home)
Tamyka Bell wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Theo Bekkers wrote:
>> LotteBum wrote:
>>> Theo Bekkers wrote:

>>>> Doesn't everybody?

>>> I'm afraid not. Some people don't watch enough TV to justify it.

>> Do you have to justify it? I can't justify my three bicycles, or my
>> motorcycle, or the $40K of tools in my shed, or the 240 sq metre house
>> for
>> the two of us and the two dogs, or the 104 cm LCD TV. Do I need to
>> justify
>> my Foxtel? OK, I hate those bloody reality shows and there's not much
>> else
>> on FTA TV.
>> I have no idea of how to justify the ten chooks. I'm sure buying eggs
>> would
>> be cheaper. Oh, I know, they keep the snails out of the vegie garden.
>> Theo

> Wow Theo,
> you own lots of ****. Don't suppose there's a Prado in there?
> Tam ;)

Cruel woman.

I doub its true.. Hang on didnt Theo say something rude about KatanaÅ›

Probably a Pajaro then. A black one.
snip SBS whinging..
it gets better every year and you still complain.. sheesh!

Um, re: the signal dropouts.. it was happening here on European TV so the problem is most likely the motorbike or helicopter losing its ability to broadcast from the hills.

Now, shutup and enjoy the coverage that just keeps getting better. Better yet, write to SBS and thank them for improving their TdF output once again..

- every year writing the same ****..