Reaching Max HR


New Member
May 16, 2003
In a recent 45 min crit run at moderately hard pace (for a hacker like me - just starting in C grade vets), I got into a break of 2 in the last 5 mins and found that the highest my HR got in the final uphill sprint was about 7 bpm below max (and I've seen max in non-racing situations eg steep climbs). I would have thought if it was ever going to go to max (or even above), it would be when you were really giving it everything in a sprint.

So does going pretty hard for 45 mins (or longer) mean you are not going to get your HR right up at the end no matter how hard you push? Obviously speed & power will be down a bit compared to when you are fresh, but I would still have expected HR to go to max.

Just curious ....
Even if you made the winning break in a race, it doesn't mean you were at your physiological best that day. You could have been tired but lucky.

When you are tired, your maximum heart rate will be lower. It doesn't have as much to do with 45 minutes of racing as your overall state of fatigue day-to-day and week-to-week.

Maximum heart rate is something you should check for many times throughout the year and when you are well rested. Only when you are "fresh" will you get a real accurate indication of what your maximum heart rate is.

It's good you made the break though. Going for it and making the winning break is really the only way to race!!!