Reason, critical thought, and listening

"His favorite pastime is to hammer, belittle, and abuse minorities."

You're a minority?!?! That's freakin' awesome!

Which one?

___ Retarded dumbasses from Dakron

___ Moronic socialists

___ Union of Concerned Junk Scientists

___ Dyslexic assholes with other undisclosed learning disabilities

___ Nimrods that flunked physics

___ Dorks with multiple people living rent free in their empty skulls

If you are a member of multiple minorities, please check all that apply and please describe your mental disabilities in detail and the amount of reparations you are seeking.

I mean, I want to be sure to use rational, critical thought when applying the correct pejoratives to your specific minority group.

C'mon little alien! Prove Johny wrong!

Oh wait. You can't. It's just one more instance of you getting your retarded ass kicked from one end of the internet to the other. Change your screen name to 'Chew Toy'. That's much more accurate.
this latest campybigot internet meltdown brought to you by the good folks at the affordable care act. not just a law, but a supreme court approved law you can live with.
Originally Posted by JohnyRain

There are two general groups and they are close to evenly divided. One group feels entitled and is willing to ignore the constitution in order to forcibly take from the producers. The other group believes in self-reliance, freedom and individual / property rights. At the moment the former group has the momentum, but the pendulum seems to swing back and forth every couple of years. Both groups distort the truth, yes even lie, in attempts to gain political advantage. Their seems to be little or no accountability for making false promises or even engaging in unconstitutional acts.
Which is the group that supports gays and the 2nd Amendment? I enjoy shooting and see the fundamental value of ownership guaranteed by the Constitution, but I love my mom (who has a female partner) even more and feel she should be entitled to a little dignity for busting her ass 50+ hours a week since we got here in '79 to give us a better life without needing some schmuck like Rush Limbaugh running his pie hole about her morality.

That's a bit of a rant but my point was some folks may take exception with being lumped into your binary assessment as it automatically initiates the conversation on 'us and them' terms with, in this case, a distinct presence of flattery to the 'us' (and which seems a more apt description of Libertarians than Republicans) and lack thereof for 'them' but I'll grant you this, it will make the chopping easier once the civil war starts.

Btw I once got a retraction from Alienator, and something close enough from Bob. They won't see it this way but I'd find the place a little duller without either.
I would add that they both contribute to the forum and I agree with both of them in part,some of the time once in a while, a little bit, maybe.
What a dull world this would be if we all thought Vanilla was the only good flavor.
"Which is the group that supports gays and the 2nd Amendment? "

The Pink Pistols.


I see we're making a tiny bit of progress with your ignorance! No moronic reference to the 12 people on the planet using "Campag".
aw, jeez, blobbo, sorry to see you are still stinging over that drubbing you received on the campa-issue. seems like you'd have learned by now, especially after your predictions for the economic meltdown never happened. no riots in the streets, nope. just another of your limbaugh inspired nightmares. but, should we adopt the premise that nature abhors a vacuum, we can then safely conclude that nature must really hate your cranium, campagbigot. there, that should make you happy.
well. how to respond in kind to such stinging repartee?


sez you, michelle! now, off with you blobbo and hand your lunch dessert to the asylum bully.
Ok guys let us please back down a bit.The insults are over the top even for the Soapbox and I have spam to deal with.
Damnit, JH...and I was just beginning to have fun!

Well, off to see if I can get the Stealth 50 to function properly.
Originally Posted by danfoz

Which is the group that supports gays and the 2nd Amendment? I enjoy shooting and see the fundamental value of ownership guaranteed by the Constitution, but I love my mom (who has a female partner) even more and feel she should be entitled to a little dignity for busting her ass 50+ hours a week since we got here in '79 to give us a better life without needing some schmuck like Rush Limbaugh running his pie hole about her morality.

That's a bit of a rant but my point was some folks may take exception with being lumped into your binary assessment as it automatically initiates the conversation on 'us and them' terms with, in this case, a distinct presence of flattery to the 'us' (and which seems a more apt description of Libertarians than Republicans) and lack thereof for 'them' but I'll grant you this, it will make the chopping easier once the civil war starts.

Btw I once got a retraction from Alienator, and something close enough from Bob. They won't see it this way but I'd find the place a little duller without either.
Good post danfoz. I hope you noticed that I did not claim to agree with either group all of the time, and I certainly do not. I must agree that I tend to agree with one more often than the other.

I certainly have nothing against gays, although I will admit that I don't really get it. The constitution protects gays AND guns, although one is more obvious since "...the right to keep and bear arms..." is explicitly enumerated in its own amendment. But to me that doesn't mean either is less or more protected than the other.

Your Mom must have had some contact or at least a contribution from a male at some point or you wouldn't be here.

Alienator and Bob are interesting to say the least. I just don't get the name-calling and almost instantaneous hostility once they suspect that you may disagree with them. Must be insecurity related to childhood trauma of some sort, but way above my pay grade to diagnose.
Originally Posted by JohnyRain

Your Mom must have had some contact or at least a contribution from a male at some point or you wouldn't be here.
After my parents divorced my mom dated a few guys, a couple of them rock climbers. I spent a healthy portion of my childhood camping in the African Veldt honing my Rambo skills and getting some quality male role-modeling from good men because of it. And it's where I learned to shoot, because where there's lions, there's guns. My mom wasn't always gay, maybe for her it's more about companionship. I certainly don't care, and I wonder why anybody else would. Apparently she's the worst kind of gay, gay by choice. Her girlfriend of 15 years was also married for a number of years and has a son and daughter roughly my age as well, and they've both got smart friendly well adjusted kids that will likely go on to be great contributors and earners. So much for the decay of society. The party of traditional family values does have some virtue to offer, but it seems available only if you fit into a traditional family. That's the story that's been sold.

And in fairness you did indict both parties. I got bones with each. Luckily we got that pendulum, and The Constitution. Now from everyone, maybe less concern with magazine capacity and gay marriage and more concern that we'll be ejected from the dollar standard within some of our lifetimes because of our fiscal behavior, and that life will change drastically for many Americans, maybe more concern over that. Yeah I said it, now I'm one of them crackpots..
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB
"Which is the group that supports gays and the 2nd Amendment? "

The Pink Pistols.
Ok... I aint paying 50 euro to a therapist for this:

I once had a crush with a really pretty girl when I was a student, she had these really nice green eyes and blonde hair...
She had a lot of nerve too, a thing that has a particular value for me when it comes to girls as I am a bit hyperactive and I feel more comfortable around not too slobbish people.

I did a "move" on her but got rejected. Then at some point I ended up walking her home where "I accidentally got drunk as Boris Yeltsin" and ofcourse could not leave and -had- to stay there for the night. So in the morning I did -another- move and got rejected again.

Now... about 5 years later I find her on fb and we start talking... She seems very talkative to me... but:

-She had her head shaved and the little hair left dyed pink.
-She had a "girlfriend flatmate" which I later found out what it meant.
-She was active in squats, anarchist conventions" etc... Pretty much arrestable stuff,
-She was singing in a "band" (damn that was a bad band) and she was screaming like a lunatic whilst wearing a ski mask about some **** stuff and some police stuff.

But - I still had a crush on her- so we started talking and she was aaaaall nice to me (whilst repeating all the time that she had a "girlfriend in a non-open relationship" and my fb wall started looking like the gay parade... But I guess I was in denial and thought that it might be a joke or something...

Anyway I -still after all that- and -again- made a move on her and again I got rejected. So after I cooled down with a barrel of beer I realized that we have nothing in common and I lost my opportunity to have a friendship with her because mainly of my crush but also the $#@% she was doing which were not really my style... I mean I been in a squat once but... F%ck this $#@%... and damn that band was terrible...

"I dont care what none of ya say, I still like her!!!":


" and my fb wall started looking like the gay parade..."

I can't stop laughing!!!!! Oh. My. God!!! That is hysterical!
"Must be insecurity related to childhood trauma of some sort..."

Nope. I learned to despise assholes and communists when I was a young man. I had a wonderful childhood that was mainly devoid of both.

The Republic has changed for the worse and now the assholes and commies are innumerable and unavoidable.
Originally Posted by CAMPYBOB The Republic has changed for the worse and now the assholes and commies are innumerable and unavoidable.
There is no denying that!

My very good friend, Larry, told me many years ago that there is little that can be done about it now that it has gotten as bad as it is (was). He told me that my job was to make so much damn money that I could enjoy my life in spite of the bastards! We both have done well in that regard.

Still it saddens me that the responsible youth of today will have to work so hard carrying the irresponsible just to be successful. It shouldn't be that way.
I have decided to have my happy childhood now. It's never too late.
JohnyRain said:
There is no denying that!
You mean't to say, "My opinion is that there is no denying that." It certainly isn't fact. If you so like not having your opinions or "facts" challenged, then perhaps you should reconsider your phrasing or even posting. The "Republic" seems to have improved in a great many ways. It also might be time for you to review what a communist actually is.
Volnix said:
I lost my opportunity to have a  friendship with her because mainly of my crush but also the $#@% she was doing which were not really my style... I mean I been in a squat once but... F%ck this $#@%... and damn that band was terrible...
It's very likely your "attempt" at friendship would have failed as a result of your homophobia--which the mods here tolerate--and your bigotry."