Road Rash

Insight Driver

New Member
Jun 26, 2003
:mad: I did it to myself today. Went too fast around a corner and lost it and skidded on my side. Got a bit of road rash on my thigh, leg and hip. As I was 8 miles from home I waited a bit for the pain to subside before I started riding back. I want to know what is a good thing to do for the pain. I washed the scrapes out and they dried out well enough. I am in a lot of pain, though.
Originally posted by Insight Driver
:mad: I did it to myself today. Went too fast around a corner and lost it and skidded on my side. Got a bit of road rash on my thigh, leg and hip. As I was 8 miles from home I waited a bit for the pain to subside before I started riding back. I want to know what is a good thing to do for the pain. I washed the scrapes out and they dried out well enough. I am in a lot of pain, though.

Insight Driver,
Same thing happened to me in a race a few weeks ago. I had a massive road rash and didn't really know how to deal with it. I was directed tothis article. This guy is an MD and a cyclist to boot so he must have some experience in the matter. I didn't use the tegaderm since it's hard to find in larger sizes (and expensive), but I did try the 2nd recommendation: cut up an old bedsheet to the size of the scrape, smear it with vaseline (I also used neosporin on the wound which the article doesn't mention) then place it directly on the wound. Cover with an absorbant dressing to catch the discharge. Anyway, keeping the wound moist and not letting it dry up and scab was the key. I was amazed at how fast it healed and the only pain I had was cleaning the wound every time I showered. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the information. It's 24 hours later now. The rash on my arm is thin, and dried. My leg has more bruise than rash. Fortunately that was covered by my bike shorts. As I stayed within my heartrate on the ride back the sweat was keeping it moist and stinging, though I was grateful my leg muscles seemed to fine.

I see what grinding on the pavement did to my bike and realise the pavement tried doing that to me.