Rocky Mountain RC-50 - newb needs advice


New Member
May 21, 2007
Hello all,

I just about bought a 2006 RM RC-50 with disc brakes for $850 (marked down from last year's $1300) - the manager was out and the nice man at the counter couldn't ring it through - so I plan to buy it tomorrow. I am buying it first for three or four weeks of biking around in southern BC, and second as a commuter bike. The bike seemed like a good price, quality components, and fit what I needed. All good? Well, when I looked it up on the RM website, they gave the bike the lowest score (1/5) for cross-country - why?? The manager was selling it to me as capable of going cross-country, so why is the official RM rating on it so low? Keep in mind I am a complete newb, so: does cross-country mean road biking? Did I horribly overlook something, and maybe the RC-50 is incapable of having front and rear panniers or something like that? Is the RM cross-country rating just bunk? Anybody know?