Speaking of dope at Le Tour,

dbrower wrote:
> Somebody sent me an interesting document scan that I've posted on
> http://trustbut.blogspot.com under the title, "What TUE covers
> morphine?"
> -dB

You would think that such a "prestigous" lab would have a better
photocopier around...
I wonder if their lab equipment is in the same shape?
dbrower wrote:
> Somebody sent me an interesting document scan that I've posted on
> http://trustbut.blogspot.com under the title, "What TUE covers
> morphine?"
> -dB

someone pointed out the lemond podcast in this post to me :


the actual audio :


t's pretty long but there are some interesting parts (and some factual

but he mentions a teamate who was gung ho to get on the doping
bandwagon and switched from his team (i'm thinking Gan) to mercatone
uno, and died shortly afterwards. i can't recall that, but i wasn't
following cycling much from 91-96.

who is he talking about ?