Specialized Sirrus for commute, with WeeRide child seat?


New Member
Dec 23, 2010

A newbie to the forum here.

The Cannondale hybrid I rode for 14 years is finally breaking down, and I am considering buying a similar, but a little bit faster bike. Local bike shop recommends Specialized Sirrus, basic type.


I have some interesting requirements:

1. I carry my 1 year old daughter on WeeRide to day care.
2. My commute route has a short (maybe half mile), rough section with some potholes.

My questions are ...

With 32 mm tires, is Sirrus stable enough to carry a child in front of me? My current bike has 38 mm tires.
Should I replace the factory tires with more flat-resistant tires, for the rough section in my commute route? I have Nimbus Armadillo on my current bike.
Can WeeRide fit on Sirrus? (It looks like it should.)
Generally speaking, is Sirrus a good idea for my purposes? Or are there bikes with better fit? Do you have any other recommendations - other bikes or other part replacements to consider?

Thank you very much,

You can't go wrong with a Specialized bike. They are an established company with a great history of manufacturing a quality product. However, they tend to be priced a bit higher than some other brands. You may want to compare the price of a Sirrus with a comparable Trek.

With that said, I think that your Wee Ride should fit OK since you are using the Kangaroo seat.

The 32mm tires should be OK for riding gravel and the Specialized Sports that come with the Sirrus have Specialized's flak jacket protection which is comparable to the Nimbus Armadillo. If you want, you could replace the Specialized tires with your Nimbus Armadillo tires and get a Little smoother ride in the gravel and across potholes. I believe that the Alex S500 rims will accept 38mm tires.