Stop with strength/weight-training, how fast do you lose strength?

jsirabella said:
I understand you can not name names. But I do have to admit cottage cheese is the most amazing food when it comes to quality protein and low calorie in-take. The only problem is after a while you just can not keep coming up with new ways to serve it....
I used to just bomb myself with a huge portion every morning, mixed with low sugar berries like blueberries or strawberries. It does get $$. The other problem is that a diet in high dairy, particularly cultured dairy like cottage cheese, leads to a rather unpleasant odor that emenates from deep within. Even more so, if you start throwing in the egg whites. After being a pretty strict super high protein/low carb guy for a few years, my wife finally told me either give up the the diet (and breath) or our sex life had to go. Of course, I chose
jsirabella said:
I understand you can not name names. But I do have to admit cottage cheese is the most amazing food when it comes to quality protein and low calorie in-take. The only problem is after a while you just can not keep coming up with new ways to serve it....
This could be the topic for a new category in the forum.