Strange things attacking cyclists

lets see...
there's the usual dog chase....still happening everyday as i commute to the bus station. it seems to have perfected its timing. it seems to be waiting for me to come round the corner and always gets to within kicking distance of my feet. unfortunately i haven't had the pleasure of giving it a taste of my shoe.

then there's the time, when we were riding through a palm oil estate. we were almost out of the estate when we came across a herd of cows. it must have been about 50 of them and they just started chasing. led by this bull with massive horns. even the surface shock as they charged. suddenly we were all sprinting like lance armstrong! it was really scary. :eek:

Ooh and i had a cat try to run through my wheels. thank goodnes it just bounce off the spokes and didn't go through it.
Sloths, oppossums, armadillos, man-eating slugs... damned things are almost as fast as me.
I had 2 Dobermans chase me, scared the **** out of me. I shifted and accelerated like never before. I could hear the owner yelling something at the dogs. He might have been calling them back but it could have been , "Look at that old fella go!"

Yes, the little candies. Someone drove by me and threw a skittle at me. Hit me in the leg. Didn't have any effect due to the small size, but I still wanted to beat the **** out of him. I know it's lame, but it's all I got.

I've been attacked by:

1) dogs
2) motorists (at least one intentionally)
3) one Giant Canada Goose
I have encountered a few animals. On a training day I almost ran over a squirll, in an actual race The entire pack almost ran over a little cat. On another training day there were dead frogs everywhere so as you went by alyou heard was your breathing, your bike, and frogs going splat. On another day I was on a trail and there was a loose horse in the middle of the trail. No one was with the horse, it was just there. Not to even mention all the little bugs that fly into my helment, mouth, eyes, and ears. So all sorts of animals have gotten in my way. They are ANNOYING:mad:.
Yellow Jacket. It stung as it hit my leg and the stinger cut a slice about 1/4 inch long. That really hurt. But nothing worse than that.
BanditBoyDavid said:
I have encountered a few animals. On a training day I almost ran over a squirll, in an actual race The entire pack almost ran over a little cat. On another training day there were dead frogs everywhere so as you went by all you heard was your breathing, your bike, and frogs going splat. On another day I was on a trail and there was a loose horse in the middle of the trail. No one was with the horse, it was just there. Not to even mention all the little bugs that fly into my helment, mouth, eyes, and ears. So all sorts of animals have gotten in my way. They are ANNOYING:mad:.

.........I forgot to mention snakes.
Miagi said:
I was chased by a car full of hot girls once. I thoroughly enjoyed it :D
I would also like to get attacked by a car of hot Girls that would be a good thing. I would probalby hit a car in a locked stare
Dogs, a bee who pulled my nose hair, I thought it stung me.
Gangsters, skaters, girls, other bikers...
I've never been attacked by anything other than dogs and almost ran into a cat once but the strangest encounter would have to be a b.a. vulture that I almost crashed into on an early morning ride (dark). The huge bird was on the road taking care of a dead iguana unawares that I was riding straight into him. I was just inches away from crashing into him before he spread his large wings and flew out of my way just in time. I also managed to avoid riding over his breakfast.

On another morning ride, more recently (since getting a head light for my bike) I saw an animal that looked and walked almost like a turtle except it was much too big and too fast to be a turtle. It was walking across the road but made a quick U-turn when it saw me coming. Later after describing the animal to a friend I concluded that it was a really big armadillo.
Hawksville, Ontario (near waterloo). Literally I had about 20 Red Tailed hawks circling me when i stoped for a short break. Suddenly they started swooping one by one... that is when I got out of there real fast!

What a scene I tell you... It was a remarkable experience however for sure.
I remember when I was about 14, a car of teenagers went by me as I was riding along the road. Soon they were coming back from the other direction, next thing I new a big green hedgeball hit me in the chest and knocked me backwards off the bike. I can still hear those teenagers laughing!
I have been attacked by some asshole throwing beer bottles, dogs, and a couple of occasions people just getting in the way (by accident..). Also an occasional motorist driving VERY close intentionally. That last one is the worse by far.
animalchin said:
I have been attacked by some asshole throwing beer bottles, dogs, and a couple of occasions people just getting in the way (by accident..). Also an occasional motorist driving VERY close intentionally. That last one is the worse by far.
The dude was throwing dogs?
Anyone else been bothered to distraction by stupid tourists that roll down there car windows when your climbing some big long moutain and shout "way to go" or "go go" while nearly clipping you with there rearview window?:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I've been attacked by a chipmunk with a death wish :eek: and have been hit by runners and pigeons :mad: .