Success story: Flab to fit

I started because of high blood pressure and family history of heart disease.
In Oct of 2004 I quit smoking,went on a healthy diet and started going to the gym every morning at 5:30 am.I was in terrible shape i started by walking on the treadmill and mild strength training.I moved up to running and riding the stationary bike.Then someone one told me about spin class.I loved it.
Then me and a friend went mountain biking and it just about killed me but I kept at it.Now I am running 4 miles(without stopping) and the hills that use to kill me when cycling feel great .I have lost 25 pounds .I am 35 years old and feel and look better than I did when I was 25.
I was at 200 lbs and I am only 5'9". Last spring my buddy convinced me to do a charity 2 day bike ride covering 150 miles. So I starting riding again after 10+ years of very unhealthy living and have not left the saddle. 4,000 miles last year and I now weigh a lean and mean 165 lbs. I have since join a cycling club and am training for my first full year of racing. Watch out Lance!!
cdaleguy said:
Ok, let's have it. Tell us how UNFIT you were..overweight, couldn't bike a mile without a break, starting riding speed...etc...before you started riding, versus now (telling us your far you now ride, how fast you are, races you've entered).

I need some motivation.
Sixteen months ago I weighed 258 lbs. On the 16th of September 2003,(Mexican Independance Day), I started a diet. I count calories and exercise regularly. I write down what I eat and track my progress. Today I weigh 176. A bit heavy for 5'8" but still quite a change. I am probably in the best shape of my life. I am 46 years old.

For many years I was unable to ride a bike. A defective left hip gave out when I was fourteen. So from 1974 until 1997 I was unable to ride a bike at all. After having a hip replacement, I resolved that I would once again do some of the things I loved but previously had to give up; cycling is one of those things.

I have gone from a 46" waist to a 34; from a size XXL to a medium. It can be done. If I can do it anyone can. It would be nice if it was as easy as all those advertisments for diet or exercise "miracles" make it seem, but the truth is, it is hard work and will power is important, but it can be done if you want it bad enough.

My next big project is to participate in Aids LifeCycle in June. L.A. to S.F. It would be a big accomplishment for me, but it pales in comparison to what others must face. Maybe I can help others as I help myself.

It is not my desire to celebrate by accomlishments in a public fourm, but if my story helps others, then I am happy to share it.
Doctor Morbius said:
I'm still waiting for the thread entitled "Success story: Flab to not-so-flab". :eek:

I don't still consider myself fit (i.e. very fit). 82.5 kg against 179 cm is a bit much. I've been here for 3 years (got bad scales for 2 years. They LIED to me :). But my constitution is changing.
Well – I’m partially a success story according to your original post. At the start of my attempt to lose weight biking – around July of 2003 – I weighed 205 lbs at 5’ 3.5” tall. I was obese and my pictures of me showed it. At that time I was about 32.9% body fat.

I started biking in July of 2003 with a newly bought Cannondale F600 mtn bike. After a month I bought a 2002 Giant TCR Aero 2 and have used it ever since for my weight loss rides. But in April 2004 I bought a 2003 Cervelo Soloist Team bike for racing. Anyway, in my 1st half year of biking I only rode 366 miles and my weight went down from 205 to 192 lbs. In 2004 my biking started slow until May 15th when I did my first 30 miles ride. I noticed the improvement in weight loss in doing 30+ mile rides – so my later workouts became 38 to 54 mile rides (these would take up a whole afternoon with breaks after 7 miles). I then rode about 1391.58 miles and entered my first race – a Men’s 30+ Open at the Downer’s Grove National Criterium Race. On race day I weighed 168.6lbs from doing a lot of weight loss rides. Unfortunately I crashed in the second turn of my second lap. I was given a free lap and started – but I lost the peloton and the draft and was left behind. I was pulled out of the race.

Well the year 2004 ended with me doing a total of 2080.88 miles biking – and my lowest weight was 159.0 lbs. Since December I have not been biking or using a trainer and my weight has gone up and settled around 162.0 lbs. I didn’t train in Winter because I went on a 1 month long vacation – so my race legs ? have rotted. I’m now at about 19 to 21% body fat. But now I look good! A lot of people have commented that I have lost weight and look better. I also went from a size 36 pants to a size 32 or 31. And I no longer buy XL sized shirts but size Medium shirts. I love what weight loss has done for me and my motivation for 2005 is to bike to lose weight and reach 145lbs or 10% body fat. If I accumulate a lot of miles doing that I might try racing. But I find that I don’t have the motivation to train for racing because that’s so intense – I met a Cat 5 racer last year and he said he did 3700 mi training before the Aug 21st race!

Well, when I first started out my max speed in the flats with no wind was 26.2 mph on a 2002 Giant TCR Aero 2. In 2004 after reaching peak form (just after my race !) I hit a maximum speed of 32.9 mph on my 2003 Cervelo Soloist Team bike (flats, no wind).

I might try racing in 2005 but my only reward for that would be a Cat 5 trophy ? and the fact that I have gained a lot of fitness. Well, I need my time for other things in life so I really can’t devote so much time to train for racing. I have the time to train for weight loss though. And one reason I ride is to help me lower my blood pressure – hopefully weight loss also clears out your blood vessels I guess.

In terms of my diet during my weight loss I mostly ate anything, but I didn’t eat excessively. I sometimes ate two good meals a day, and I even ate high calorie food like my favorite – pecan pie. If I splurged on cakes or whatever then it would substitute for a meal. On a day directly after a long distance workout I wouldn’t eat too much because the body’s response is to put back weight. In the fall of 2004 I started using protein powder.

I can’t wait to see how I’d look at 145 lbs weight, and I have taken pictures of myself at various weights during my weight loss.

So far this year as of March 7, 2005 I have biked 287.3 miles and went to a weight of 157.6 lbs
On 1/1/03 I weighed in at 235 lbs. (I'm 5'10"). My size 42" pants were getting quite snug. My wife presented me with a Schwinn mtb for my birthday (Jan. 9) and I started cycling to work, about 3 miles, a few times a week and cut down on my caloric intake. My goal was to get under 200 lbs. by 1/1/04. Eventually started cycle commuting nearly every day, including riding home and back at lunch. At one point in 2003 I got down to about 185 lbs., then I slacked off a bit. I had switched over to solid tires to avoid flats, and I hated the feel so much that I started finding excuses to take the car rather than the bike. Although I did manage my goal of being under 200 on 1/1/04, by 7/1/04 I'd edged back up to 206 lbs.

I then switched back to pneumatic tires, and I started gradually increasing the length of my morning commute. I now leave the house early enough ride about a 13.5 mile loop rather than the straight 3 miles to work. And a few days per week I eat a light lunch during my morning break period, and use my lunch hour for another 11 or 12 mile ride. I bought a Giant OCR1 road bike near the end of '04 and completed my second solo century ride (actually 111.1 miles) last Monday. My weight is now in the 165 - 170 lbs range. That's about what I weighed in high school -- I turned 41 on 1/9/05. Oh, and I'm down to slightly loose size 32" pant.
two months ago before i started getting serious about my training i hit the scales at 196lbs and im 5,11. I try to ride first thing in the morning 10-20 miles doing alot of sprints here and there ,then ride again in the evening 30-50 miles at 20-23mph.Been trying to stay steady and do this every other day.So far in two months i have knocked myself down to 171lbs is what my scales said yesterday. Definately made my out look on life and my genral attitude alot better and seems a little harder for me to get angry.I think ive got about another 5-10 lbs to lose and ill be able to see my abs again.
There's some great stories going on in this thread, congratulations everyone and keep up the good work!!

I'm originally from the UK and used to ride all Day during the Summer with a Bottle of Pop and a Packet of Crisps...I loved to ride...

Then, when I started work and could afford a Car I forgot about Biking...

Anyway, I was a Soccer (Football) player but in '91 I got a debilitating Back Injury, I couldn't walk for months...then after a time my Back would just go out a couple of times a year...

Anyway, on July 4th, 2003, I went with a couple of mates on a 12 mile ride up and down the Bike almost killed was 95 degrees that Day...this,however, re-kindled my love of Cycling, so I bought a MTB, then a Road Bike and covered almost 3000 miles last year....

I have had ZERO problems with my back since I've been riding, plus, I was getting Fat and Lazy...more depondent I guess...because if I used to do any kind of Physical activity other than eat and watch the Telly, my back would hurt for Days....

Anyway, although I haven't lost much weight I've lost inches...and Cycling has changed my's great for stress too....

I still suck on hills...but I've come a long way because I was partialy disabled looking back...

So I just intend to do more hills and get as good as I can for my own personal 49 I'll never be a Racer...but there you go....and thanks to everyone who has helped on the way...

I'm 5'11" and currently 168lbs. I was over 230lbs in 2003. I was fat and out of shape. Now at 31 I am in the best shape of my life. I just upgraded to Cat 4, looking at getting into coaching, and will attempt a full brevet series this summer. I have never felt better!
Obtained my first bike in order to get to work and back, a very heavy racer for rank beginners. First time I rode it I fell off gasping as I went up a smallish bank. Then I found the brakes had been locked onto the rear wheel so little wonder.
Got my first proper racer some months later, a carrera for 200 pounds second hand. As a cyclist at that time I was a washout and dreaded the hill I had to ride up going to work and leaving work at 6.00 a.m.
I'm now much better than I was although fitness has never been my strongest point (still puff and blow as I ride on occasions). The truth is I cycle mainly for pleasure and to keep myself fit.

cdaleguy said:
Ok, let's have it. Tell us how UNFIT you were..overweight, couldn't bike a mile without a break, starting riding speed...etc...before you started riding, versus now (telling us your far you now ride, how fast you are, races you've entered).

I need some motivation.
I am 5' 9", 24 years old, and weigh 210 I am starting mountain biking next week. Because I don't have a bike right now. I was in the Marines and my max weight was 186 also. I was a size 32 and am now a size 36. I decided if I am going to lose the weight again I would have to pic a sport and I decided on mountain biking because I can do this sport solitarily and without a high impact on my knees. I am going to keep a journal of my progress and routine variations.

Frank, :eek: