The Ironman

roadhouse said:
"Your Honor, I plead guilty to all charges of neglectfully ignoring thus not heeding your warnings at time of first trial. I also would like to take this time to bestow upon The Courts however, that I am not gay. Nor, Your Honor, do I cry and moan about threads and every little conversational piece that drifts astray from original content as does the local stalker cry baby. Thanks in advance for your understanding of these much less than mediore preceedings as we live in hard, hard times and truth, justice and The American Way truly is hard to come by concerning these kinds of asshats."

roadi, did someone help you with the copy here? Or is it another copy and paste? The punctuation and grammar are a step up from your usual illiterate whingeing.
taniwha said:
roadi, did someone help you with the copy here? Or is it another copy and paste? The punctuation and grammar are a step up from your usual illiterate whingeing.

whingeing- no dictionary results

i'm reminded of Ace Ventura , Alrighty Then!!! :D
:D i gotta say that this is by far the mostest funnest i'vest everestest hadestest on thisest forumest to date...est. good times. can we make up some more words now please? :D

i'm gonna have a hard time getting to sleep tonight but not pooping and that's what counts. :D
Actually whinge is in American dictionaries, too. So the effort required to find it is a little less than what it takes to blink.

Tadiwhumpus, your progress is ever inspiring. I remember that it wasn't long ago that you could be found on a given city street corner attempting to fell your prey--aka businessmen, nuns, street minstrels--with rocks.
alienator said:
Tadiwhumpus, your progress is ever inspiring. I remember that it wasn't long ago that you could be found on a given city street corner attempting to fell your prey--aka businessmen, nuns, street minstrels--with rocks.

Thank you Master Onanator, I have been following your advice patiently. Soon I will be civilised enough to come and stay in your house.

I can then present you with my excess body hair for your merkin.
taniwha said:
Thank you Master Onanator, I have been following your advice patiently. Soon I will be civilised enough to come and stay in your house.

I can then present you with my excess body hair for your merkin.

That'd be nice. Everyone loves a foul smelling merkin.

Speaking of merkins, I was just reading a story about a bicycle team called the "Eddie Merkins." Heh. People don't talk about merkins nearly as much as they should.
I'm bagging my fur as I type, shall I send a parcel in the mail now?

The merkin will be good for you, with it's ego boosting powers, it will allow you to control your appearance, from Plucked Chicken to The Lost Wildman of Borneo. If you go for the latter, we'll look like brothers!
taniwha said:
I'm bagging my fur as I type, shall I send a parcel in the mail now?

The merkin will be good for you, with it's ego boosting powers, it will allow you to control your appearance, from Plucked Chicken to The Lost Wildman of Borneo. If you go for the latter, we'll look like brothers!

Do you have enough for several merkins? See, I'd much rather glue up three or four merkins, rather than have to take the time, each day, to fashion the merkin that fits my mood.

Right now I'm in the mood for a David Bowie-esque "Young Merkins" merkin.