Thoughts on bicycle Insurance

I have to admit that I've not got any form of insurance on my bike although it's one of them things that I always plan on doing but never get round to it.

The bike is kept locked at work and when I'm home it's stored I doors and so I don't really think there's much point. Now that I've said that though, it's my luck now that it will bet stolen next time I'm out!
You do not need bicycling insurance because it’s a bike. All you need to do is to make sure your brakes work You also need to slow down and pick routes that are safer for you.
While your right in saying that you don't have to have bike insurance, like it's not a legal requirement, you can't control what other road users do so even if your brakes do work, you ride slower and take a safer route, that doesn't mean your still not going to need any insurance just in case.