Thoughts on the Trek 7.7fx 2012


Feb 6, 2012
Is this a good starter bike? ALso, why is it 2,000 dollars, its not even carbon fiber frame? Can I do better than this bike?
The Trek FX series is excellent for people who want a sporty bike for riding primarily on the road but don't want the commitment--the pedals, the shoes, the kit, the drop handlebar--of the full-on road bike, don't care about covering great distances with a certain level of speed, and aren't concerned about keeping up with their friends on road bikes. Most people I've sold FXs to thought the lower end of the range suited their needs, but if you're in love with the 7.7, by all means take it home. I like these bikes a lot, but for a more critical opinion we really need to know what you intend to use the bike for.
but you can still go plenty fast on a hybrid bike, right? If you our good enough, you can keep up with road bikers??
How fast do you want to go? For how long do you want to go fast?

If your primary goal is fast riding on predictable pavement - road bikes set the standard. They allow you to maintain a lower position to go faster at a set level of effort. There is variation on the theme within the road bike class: full on race, randonneur, cross, relaxed and so on.

Hybrids are nice, but are marketed more to recreational riders. If you are fit enough you can keep up with a group of roadies by staying in the draft, but will likely suffer when it is your turn to pull the group.
Originally Posted by jrudolph81 .

but you can still go plenty fast on a hybrid bike, right? If you our good enough, you can keep up with road bikers??

This conversation is sounding very familiar. I tried to be helpful and now I'm done.
oldbobcat said:
This conversation is sounding very familiar. I tried to be helpful and now I'm done.
Yes it is. Likewise other posts are striking similar to those by jstrudman81, including the post that decries the forum members for their rudeness. If it looks like chit, smells like chit, and tastes like chit, the probability is very high that it is chit.
Originally Posted by alienator .

Yes it is. Likewise other posts are striking similar to those by jstrudman81, including the post that decries the forum members for their rudeness.
Same stubborn obsession with fitness bikes, too. Probably doesn't like drop handlebars.