Too much bling for commuting?

>You're not married are you. :)

Yes I a wonderful woman who understands that if I'm happy, I'm

TimC wrote:

> I'd be insisting that she buy a toyota corona instead -- I'm sure our
> old one with seized engine still is around somewhere. I hear the new
> owners even got it back on the road. Oh, I've also got a dodgy gas
> lift chair that I wouldn't mind getting rid of -- it can't hold the
> back up anymore. You interested?

There is a certain amount of urgency to the car purchase because she
drives long distances to work each day and out mechanic has advised us
of a potential problem that may cost a lot of money in a future
service. Its a very high mileage car.

> Pretty daft position, isn't it? Really decent bike, $2000, Toyota
> Yaris plastic car appears to be $15000.

Actually $20,000. She wants the YRS, its got an adjustable steering
column which she "needs" because she's very small and the Yaris is one
of the few cars that actually fits her.

> I hope it doesn't rule out too much of the female population to insist
> that any future partner of mine were not to be of the type that says
> "bikes are OK, as long as they get out of my way".

Mine thinks bikes are fine. She just can't for the life of her imagine
why anyone would want to spend more than a couple of hundred bucks on
one. She's the kind who would point to the Huffy bikes in the KMart
catalogue and suggest that the LBS is ripping people off....
TimC wrote:
> On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>>I could easily afford the bike, in fact I could afford one or two of
>>them just with the profits I've made on my portfolio in the weeks since
>>I started posting here asking about bikes. That's not the issue. My
>>wife and I agreed at the start of the marriage that whenever making a
>>significant expenditure we would have to mutually agree on it. The
>>issue is that she can't be convinced that there is anything wrong with
>>my old undersized and overweight Repco Superlite and thinks a new bike
>>is about as wise an expenditure as gold plating the toilet seat. She
>>wants a new Toyota Yaris, nice leather sofa and reverse cycle
>>airconditioning instead. *sigh*

> I'd be insisting that she buy a toyota corona instead -- I'm sure our
> old one with seized engine still is around somewhere. I hear the new
> owners even got it back on the road. Oh, I've also got a dodgy gas
> lift chair that I wouldn't mind getting rid of -- it can't hold the
> back up anymore. You interested?
> Pretty daft position, isn't it? Really decent bike, $2000, Toyota
> Yaris plastic car appears to be $15000.
> I hope it doesn't rule out too much of the female population to insist
> that any future partner of mine were not to be of the type that says
> "bikes are OK, as long as they get out of my way".

Robyn just sold her Barina. $3300. Less than 6000 klicks on the new
engine (Just about run in) 12 months reg. Cheap to run and insure
and good for another 10 years with this engine.

Toyota Yaris pah....

Donga wrote:
> Graeme:
> >You're not married are you. :)

> Yes I a wonderful woman who understands that if I'm happy, I'm
> nice.

I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)
On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> We both work very hard for our money, and the only reason why we have
> spare money in the first place is because we've been extremely thrifty
> for a very long time. This means that we don't spend money unless
> there is a clear benefit in doing so.
> Most of my questions to date have been along the lines of "is a good
> bike actually worth the money, for a commuter?" and "is a REALLY good
> bike too good for commuting?" If I'm not buying a bike, there are
> plenty of shares I could be buying and making lots of money out of...

No point in having money if you are not going to use it. I couldn't
invest, because I'd be too scared the whole stock market is going to
crash irrepairably when cheap energy runs out.

A lot of people are going to be in trouble when the infinite economic
growth stops being so infinite.

The triangle wheel was an improvement upon the square wheel:
It eliminates one bump. -- unknown
Travis wrote:
> TimC wrote:
>>I'd be insisting that she buy a toyota corona instead -- I'm sure our
>>old one with seized engine still is around somewhere. I hear the new
>>owners even got it back on the road. Oh, I've also got a dodgy gas
>>lift chair that I wouldn't mind getting rid of -- it can't hold the
>>back up anymore. You interested?

> There is a certain amount of urgency to the car purchase because she
> drives long distances to work each day and out mechanic has advised us
> of a potential problem that may cost a lot of money in a future
> service. Its a very high mileage car.
>>Pretty daft position, isn't it? Really decent bike, $2000, Toyota
>>Yaris plastic car appears to be $15000.

> Actually $20,000. She wants the YRS, its got an adjustable steering
> column which she "needs" because she's very small and the Yaris is one
> of the few cars that actually fits her.

Hmmmm. I have an austin healey sprite. Its pretty small. Most small
women around here feel the need to compensate with a Toyota Land Crusher.
>>I hope it doesn't rule out too much of the female population to insist
>>that any future partner of mine were not to be of the type that says
>>"bikes are OK, as long as they get out of my way".

> Mine thinks bikes are fine. She just can't for the life of her imagine
> why anyone would want to spend more than a couple of hundred bucks on
> one. She's the kind who would point to the Huffy bikes in the KMart
> catalogue and suggest that the LBS is ripping people of

Ahuh. Point to the vespas and suggest that Toyota is ripping people off.

Vespa. Same range. Same speeds. Except in traffic where its many
times faster. Better than 3 times the fuel economy. No parking costs.
Far lower maintenance running and insurance costs. Its a no brainer.

Incidently your car with the potentially expensive problem. You were of
course going to tell the new owner of this?


On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC wrote:
>> I'd be insisting that she buy a toyota corona instead -- I'm sure our
>> old one with seized engine still is around somewhere. I hear the new
>> owners even got it back on the road. Oh, I've also got a dodgy gas
>> lift chair that I wouldn't mind getting rid of -- it can't hold the
>> back up anymore. You interested?

> There is a certain amount of urgency to the car purchase because she
> drives long distances to work each day and out mechanic has advised us
> of a potential problem that may cost a lot of money in a future
> service. Its a very high mileage car.

You between train or bus stops? :)

>> I hope it doesn't rule out too much of the female population to insist
>> that any future partner of mine were not to be of the type that says
>> "bikes are OK, as long as they get out of my way".

> Mine thinks bikes are fine. She just can't for the life of her imagine
> why anyone would want to spend more than a couple of hundred bucks on
> one. She's the kind who would point to the Huffy bikes in the KMart
> catalogue and suggest that the LBS is ripping people off....

You've got some work to do then :)

I don't recall whether you mentioned. What's your milage?

Beware of bugs in the above program. I proved it correct,
I did not try it. --- D. E. Knuth
On 2006-03-14, Donga (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> Graeme:
>>You're not married are you. :)

> Yes I a wonderful woman who understands that if I'm happy, I'm
> nice.

And if not, then the axe... Nah...

Can you keep your witty comments shorter dude? I can't
make that my sig! --Hipatia
>And if not, then the axe... Nah...

Nothing so crass as violence - just sook around for quite a while and
deny her what she really wants!

On 2006-03-14, SteveA (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> What colour is the Repco Super fright? Your new bike just needs to be
> the same colour! She'll never notice............:D
> Spend whatever you like as long as the colour of the new bike is
> (insert colour of old bike).
> If the colours are a shade or two different, it is only because you
> 'washed the old one and the paint came up nicely'. Also note that
> washing can upgrade Tiagra to Dura Ace and Xenon to Record (but
> probably not the carbon).
> Please feel free to consult this forum for further marriage guidance
> and advice. ;)

Gah. Can't find that story about the guy who built up a bike from
ebay parts and stored it at work. Marriage failed in the end because
of lack of trust in the relationship :)

Save the whales. Feed the hungry. Free the mallocs. --unknown
On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> Donga wrote:
>> Graeme:
>> >You're not married are you. :)

>> Yes I a wonderful woman who understands that if I'm happy, I'm
>> nice.

> I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
> ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)

Don't you mean unmarried men?

You cannot kill Tim without fracturing eternity. -- sjc on AFDA
On 2006-03-14, Donga (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC:
>>And if not, then the axe... Nah...

> Nothing so crass as violence - just sook around for quite a while and
> deny her what she really wants!

That's just mean. It is against UN regulations to deny women access
to the chocolate cake.

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
>That's just mean. It is against UN regulations to deny women access to the chocolate cake.

There you go Travis: "If I can't have the bike I want, no more chocky
cake for you, chubby cheeks!" I like that!
TimC wrote:

> No point in having money if you are not going to use it. I couldn't
> invest, because I'd be too scared the whole stock market is going to
> crash irrepairably when cheap energy runs out.

Some free investment advice for you, just buy the most diversified low
cost portfolio you can and don't read your account statements. Markets
go up very reliably over the longer term, the only reasons why people
lose money is because they either didn't diversify (e.g. mums and dads
bleating over how much they lost on OneTel shares) or because they
screwed up the timing and pulled out, usually at some point near the

I've got a variety of Powerpoint tutorials on basic investment strategy
and portfolio construction here:
These investment strategies are almost foolproof as long as you adhere
to the advice that you should "think long term" and resist the
temptation to fiddle with the portfolio all the time.

> A lot of people are going to be in trouble when the infinite economic
> growth stops being so infinite.

When will cheap energy run out? I'm a bit of an optimist myself, I
suspect that sooner or later science will beat emotive argument and
they'll start building some of the new generation clean nuclear
reactors, as a temporary measure while the engineers try to get fusion
to work.

With enough nuclear reactors around we'll be able to make all the
hydrogen we need to run fuel cell driven transportation etc. Its
politics, not science or engineering, that is the major barrier to
implementing this clean cheap energy. Ironically, much of the
opposition comes from green groups who seem to have a "solar or
nothing" policy.
TimC wrote:
> On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> > Donga wrote:
> >> Graeme:
> >> >You're not married are you. :)
> >>
> >> Yes I a wonderful woman who understands that if I'm happy, I'm
> >> nice.

> >
> > I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
> > ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)

> Don't you mean unmarried men?

No. :p
TimC wrote:
> On 2006-03-14, SteveA (aka Bruce)
> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> What colour is the Repco Super fright? Your new bike just needs to be
>> the same colour! She'll never notice............:D
>> Spend whatever you like as long as the colour of the new bike is
>> (insert colour of old bike).
>> If the colours are a shade or two different, it is only because you
>> 'washed the old one and the paint came up nicely'. Also note that
>> washing can upgrade Tiagra to Dura Ace and Xenon to Record (but
>> probably not the carbon).
>> Please feel free to consult this forum for further marriage guidance
>> and advice. ;)

> Gah. Can't find that story about the guy who built up a bike from
> ebay parts and stored it at work. Marriage failed in the end because
> of lack of trust in the relationship :)

I can recall when I was shopping for my bike, a shop offered to
write me two receipts. One for me and one to show the spouse. They
said they do it all the time! It was also offered to me that they
would store the bike at the shop, spouse wouldn't even need to
see it. Hmmm, can see business opportunity here, clandestine bike
storage facility for the financially guilty.


e-mail: d.farrow@your
To reply, you'll have to remove your finger.
On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> TimC wrote:
>> On 2006-03-14, Travis (aka Bruce)
>> was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
>> > I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
>> > ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)

>> Don't you mean unmarried men?

> No. :p

Don't get greedy now. There's only just enough to go around the
unmarried men. :)

I got told by a friend's ex-girlfriend that she could tell I was
a Linux geek from the way I *walked*. -- Skud
>Don't get greedy now. There's only just enough to go around the unmarried men. :)

I think you are being a bit free with my wife's sister. You haven't
even asked her, let alone her husband! How many of you are there?

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:41:43 GMT, TimC wrote:

>> I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
>> ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)

> Don't you mean unmarried men?

What, you mean yours didn't come with a "refund or replace" warranty? How

On 2006-03-14, Graeme Dods (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:41:43 GMT, TimC wrote:
>>> I think I speak on behalf of all the married men in this NG when I
>>> ask... does she have a sister who's the same way? :)

>> Don't you mean unmarried men?

> What, you mean yours didn't come with a "refund or replace" warranty? How
> strange.

Nope. Only "warranty void if seal removed".

All theoretical chemistry is really physics; and all theoretical
chemists know it. -- Richard P. Feynman