Upgrading my '03 C'dale f300.

Shane C

New Member
Nov 11, 2004
I moved to New Zealand:cool: about a year ago and started getting into mountain biking. I was wondering what I should do to my bike to make it better. Everythings stock at the moment so I want the parts which will make the biggest difference in order of biggest differnence to smallest difference.

By the way does the shifter make any performance differences or is it just for looking at what gear your in.

I'd go with a canecreek thudbuster seatpost (makes huge diffrence) switching to a stiffer crankset like a race face turbine or something along those lines would do you some good. As long as your shifters are still operating well then I would'nt worry about them. As far as brakes go I would stay with rim brakes as disk brakes are often times overkill unless you are into downhill.well thats my two sense. take or leave it. but im shure you will pleased if you take it.
the shifters dont affect the shifting much but better shifters will make the shifting alot smoother and fluent so everything doesnt ratchet while you shifting. What sort of riding do you generally do on it?