Washing Bib Nicks


New Member
May 20, 2006
K, I have bib nicks with no washing instructions. Comes with synthetic antibacterial pad.

Machine wash OK? Do I need to do anything with the synthetic pad?

kleng said:
cold water always

That's a myth ... warm water is fine, you don't want to wash in scalding hot water however.

I do all my knicks at 40C in a frontloading washing machine, if you don't have a front loader, you might want to consider putting the bib knicks in a pillow case or something just so the straps don't wrap themselves around the agitator and get stretched.
matagi said:
That's a myth ... warm water is fine, you don't want to wash in scalding hot water however.

I do all my knicks at 40C in a frontloading washing machine, if you don't have a front loader, you might want to consider putting the bib knicks in a pillow case or something just so the straps don't wrap themselves around the agitator and get stretched.
I don't take the risk with $150 plus bib knicks so I just use cold power washing powder.
I had some bib knicks that I used to wash with all my other stuff, on "normal" cycle, but the fabric became so thin they were almost see-thru and yes, they bloody stretched.
So now I wash all my bike gear on "delicate" to save thrashing...
Technically you could do 40 C water temp (warm), but I am just use to doing cold always. Have no idea why. If you think about it, your sweat, and the heat outside could actually heat your shorts/bibs up over that temp. Yeah, but I don't try either.

Oh, I also use the gentle cycle on my machine.

Sometimes I just hand wash them...
Kewl, but what about the padding? Does it need any treatment like the real chamois ones?
matagi said:
That's a myth ... warm water is fine, you don't want to wash in scalding hot water however.

I do all my knicks at 40C in a frontloading washing machine, if you don't have a front loader, you might want to consider putting the bib knicks in a pillow case or something just so the straps don't wrap themselves around the agitator and get stretched.
Bypass the pillow case, I borrowed the Cooks bra bags. She eventually bought herself some new ones & threatened me with sever consequences should I use those.:D
fauxpas said:
Kewl, but what about the padding? Does it need any treatment like the real chamois ones?
No it does not, although the chamois cream manufacturers will have you believe that they do. Nothing kills a synthetic chamois faster than damp so make sure you always hang the bibs inside out so they dry quickly and never toss them into the hamper while the chamois is wet as they will fester and start to mould very quickly.

I wash mine on cold normal cycle with my other coloureds and have never had a problem.
Yes. Especially the shorts. I use chamois cream so you kind of have to. The people that don't use this cream, open your eyes to a new world of comfort.

The jersey will just feel sticky if you don't wash it.