We're "making progress" in Iraq??

davidmc said:
yadda yaddaQUOTE]

Phrases all great investigative journlism include by Eldron the Cyclingforums member (all words straight from Frank Rich's article):

transfer of sovereignty and the purple fingers all blur into a hallucinatory loop of delusion

bumper-sticker politics or the slick left-wing political operatives who have turned her into a circus

expose both the intellectual bankruptcy of its remaining supporters on the right and the utter bankruptcy of the Democrats who had rubber-stamped this misadventure in the first place

could not be a better formula for quagmire.

...and a whole lot more!

Talk about emotive editing. You can't actually take an article like that seriously...

Bottom line is this - you believe the war is wrong - I believe the war is barely justifiable.

Let's hope the Iraqi constitution will be ratified soon and the people in Iraq actually get what everybody has been promising them: a workable democracy free from a murderous dictator.

And an oil price above $70/barrel.
Eldron said:
...a workable democracy free from a murderous dictator.
The only way that will happen is if/when the Neo-Con junta vacates the country.
Wurm said:
The only way that will happen is if/when the Neo-Con junta vacates the country.

Not sure about that. Problem is that right now the US have stripped the iraqi people of what little protection/authority there was. Leaving now will just subject them to a take over by the strongest warlord(s).

The need to fulfill their duty - get the constitution working, get the police force up and running etc.
Eldron said:
Not sure about that. Problem is that right now the US have stripped the iraqi people of what little protection/authority there was. Leaving now will just subject them to a take over by the strongest warlord(s).

The need to fulfill their duty - get the constitution working, get the police force up and running etc.

It's a mess - a total and utter mess.

Some of us predicted this two years - and now it looks like civil war in Iraq is in the making.

Vietnamisation of Iraq is an American issue.

I am more concerned about Iraq and it's people instead of what is happening to American soldiers and American politicians.

The Iraqi people have been duped by George Bush and America.
According to the latest figures I've seen, there are only about 3000 Iraqi "police" that are actually trained and ready to do anything, so at this rate, it'll take 80-100 years to have enough to secure the country. It's not going to happen with the various factions fighting for control.

The best-case is that the U.S. and others get out, period. The Iraqi's will simply have to duke it out for themselves, because they DO NOT WANT US THERE!
Wurm said:
Hey Mikey -

Don't forget to stop during that ride to torture a few ragheaded sandniggers, should you see any along the way. Better yet, why don't you drag your useless ass (or your kids') over to Eye-Rack and have at it? With any luck, you might drive over an IED, and we'd all be one less Brainless Bush Fan better off.

If you were a true patriot, you'd want the BushCo's heads on a ****ing platter. But you're not.
Why what a brillant reply....You must have stayed up night on that one.....I'm sorry but I just don't see Abu grab-ass as torture. There is worst hazying on American colleges than that happend there. If a little embrassment or sleep deprivation saves one Iraqi, British or American life then so be it. Why don't you just you the use the same tired liberal line that the prison is just like a Nazi death camp.....Why do you want his head on platter? So you and your WURMY friends can have a place to live......Bite Me....Your friend always...Mikey
lyotard said:
a far fetched comparison here in any measurable terms, these horrid acts you describe are isolated incidents in comparison to the toll of the us led invasions and it's continuing aftermath, i do not point this out to minimize these acts,
rather to provide a basis by which to come to conclusions on that does not rely on sensationalist news coverage.

these acts are no more excusable than the "shock and awe" intent stated by the bush warmongers.

after all, how much of the toll on the very people you are professing the us is helping makes it to the radar screen of middle america? like keepin' track of body counts of civilians killed and wouded? and how many of these were defensless babies, children and elderly? or the amount of radioactive contamination left from the us dropping of depleted uranium bombs? how bout the total tonnage of bombs dropped, and how much of this was on civilian targets? heard of the fuel-air bombs dropped in afganistan? or that the us leads the list as the #1 human rights violator as reported by amnesty international?
then there is the bombing of schools, hospitals, villiages, mosques and other civilian centers. we must not ignore the use of cluster bombs and the number of deaths and maimings these have brought upon the populus.

left wing? you toss this phrase out without having a leg to stand on in terms of attached meaning, we are talking here about humanitarianism, when (choose your label if you must generalize, as these terms have all morphed into meaninglessness) the right wing, or conservative disregards fundamental human rights in the name of us domination and superiority he then adopts a mindset truly as poisonous as the acts you mention, and far from anything resembling america.
at least not of any america that i could be proud of.

as for claiming these acts to be "terrorist", the definition of terrorist is different when invoked by bush to provide emotional support for war a war based on deception than from when described by the arab american anti defamation league, as the latter defintion would include violence against a nation or people to further a business or politcal agenda... do we see a criminal intent here? and the guilty bushco parties?

try fascist, dictataorship, totalitarian, imperialist, adventurist, and colonialist, labels such as these have been applied to goverments which have faded from acceptance in humanitarian terms. it is due time to add the bush criminal syndicate neo-conservatism to this list of rejects.

You must be a Raider Fan, because you are a moron.....And stop having Howard Dean write your replys.....Mikey (so named by my friend wurm)
davidmc said:
U R smart :rolleyes: What did Iraq have to do w/ 9-11 :confused: I await your well reasoned response. Take your time, you're going to need it :rolleyes: As I type this, the Majority of American people believe Iraq was/is a disaster w/ no viable pretext. What say you :confused: Incidentally, I'm a vet from the 80's era.
I'm not the majority......I'm RIGHT.......enough said.....Mikey;;;Thank you for your service....
A bit more grandiose than usual with your mental masturbation this week, eh Mikey?
crithater said:
I'm not the majority......I'm RIGHT.......enough said.....Mikey
What are you "right" about :confused: (& I'm not referring to your political association.) Iraq has proven to be a training ground for future terrorist's & a killing field for American servicemen. Bush started something that he can't finish at a cost of two American death's/day (minimum). :mad:There's a difference between supporting the presidency as an "institution" & supporting a "particular" president who has misled the citizenry. This president has proven himself to be reckless w/ American lives purely to enrich his energycorp. buddies :(
i dont agree with what bush is doing, he is as much a terrorist as most of the extremists out there.

however in australia we are trying to deal with extremists who preach against our way of life one muslim leader even went as far to say that muslims CANNOT be a freind of a non muslim, another said osama bin laden is a good man. id hate too sound harsh but if you come into a country u abide by the rules and if its soo bad here then go back to youre own country. soon australia is going to be overtaken by arabs and asians if the government doesn't control the immigration.

its only a matter of time until a muslim puts a terrorist attack on our country which is a shame because most muslims are good people but you cant hav too many in a country that does not neccasarily abide by there religion.

The day that happens i dont think they will be welcome in our country not by me anyway.

thats my rant for the day. muslims should go back to arab land asians back to asia land bush should send his troops home and we can worry about ourselves. and yes i am racist. but not a violent one.
macca1234 said:
thats my rant for the day. muslims should go back to arab land asians back to asia land bush should send his troops home and we can worry about ourselves. and yes i am racist. but not a violent one.
and are you going to pack your bags and go to england....leave australia to the aboriginals?
honestly, i would go to england leave australia for the aboriginals if it meant world peace.

im not saying what white men did was right. i am saying enough is enough. be tolerant or get the hell out of our country.
MountainPro said:
and are you going to pack your bags and go to england....leave australia to the aboriginals?

MPro - don't go there!!! Can you imagine the SORRY parade you'd start?

US would have to apologise to the indians.
Aussies would have to aologise to the aborigones.
New Zealand - Maoris.
White South Africans - Black South Africans
UK - just about everybody on the planet
Germans - jews
Everybody would have to apologise to the french ;)
US - japanese for little boy.

Hmmm would everybody have to apologise to africans cos that's where life started?

Ahhh politics - fifty million 'facts' and fifty trillion opinions.....
hey, dont dump this on me, it was maccas idea to send everyone back to thier homelands in order to attain world peace....

i love multicultural diversity me..

Eldron said:
MPro - don't go there!!! Can you imagine the SORRY parade you'd start?

US would have to apologise to the indians.
Aussies would have to aologise to the aborigones.
New Zealand - Maoris.
White South Africans - Black South Africans
UK - just about everybody on the planet
Germans - jews
Everybody would have to apologise to the french ;)
US - japanese for little boy.

Hmmm would everybody have to apologise to africans cos that's where life started?

Ahhh politics - fifty million 'facts' and fifty trillion opinions.....
MountainPro said:
hey, dont dump this on me, it was maccas idea to send everyone back to thier homelands in order to attain world peace....

i love multicultural diversity me..

Me I'm a racist. I eat every colour in the Smartie box except them blue ones. Nasty those blue ones are.....
crithater said:
I have never heard so much left wing ******** in my life. While war is a terrible thing, there are times when war must be fought.

Ah, the apologist strikes back...

crithater said:
And this is one of those times. Iran is going to one of those times if a nuclear weapons program (and for all who believe it for electricity are very mistaken) is not curtailed.

The point is that there is no conclusive evidence that they are making
bombs. The only people making those claims are the same people who
claimed that Iraq were working on nukes, the same people are over-
uling the information that their own intelligence analysts and experts
are telling them (again).

Here you are telling us that we should trust these people *again* and
accept a few hundred thousand more dead Arabs as a price worth
paying. You can stick it.

crithater said:
We had problems with some National guard troops, but nothing like terrorist cutting off peoples heads as they pleaded for their lives.

You must go through life with your eyes closed and your fingers in your
ears. There was an incident where enlisted officers beat the **** out of
a taxi driver chained to the ceiling while he begged for his life over a
period of 24 hours. That is just *one* incident of hundreds that are
or have been under investigation. It is a certainty that many similar
incidents will go un-reported and un-investigated.

crithater said:
[ The British and the Americans are trying to make these peoples lives better, but like most liberals who have the attention span of an eight year old this has to be done overnight.

They've got a very funny way of doing it. Destroying the infrastructure,
then not rebuilding it and stirring up a civil war in the process is a big
**** up on that front.

crithater said:
I'm wearing my red, white and blue brooklyn jersey tomorrow on my commute tomorrow just to ******** morons like you......Mike

No one has a problem with the stars and stripes. They have a problem
with the pillocks and apologists who subscribe to the slaughter of
innocent Arabs by the hundreds of thousands. You could wear pink
for all I care and I would still be tempted to break your neck in the
interests of world peace. :)
What darkboong just said.

I thought it was pretty obvious by now, but apparently not to crithater and Mikey, et al. How stupid can you guys get??

"While war is a terrible thing, there are times when war must be fought."

During WWII perhaps that statement was true, but not today in Iraq or Iran.