What does the brand name "Koga Miyata" mean?


Charles Self

Sounds Japanese, but it's actually a Dutch company. The website
doesn't say what the name means though. Please wisen me up.
Charles Self thought the rest of the world was interested to know that
> Sounds Japanese, but it's actually a Dutch company. The website
> doesn't say what the name means though. Please wisen me up.

In Dutch:

"Begin jaren zeventig werd het bedrijf opgericht door A. Gaastra, die
de eerste letters van de naam van zijn vrouw (Kowallik) samenvoegde met
die van zijn eigen achternaam tot Koga. De toevoeging Miyata kwam van
de Japanse framebouwer, waarmee Gaastra samenwerking zocht.

In English:

"In the beginning of the seventies de company (Koga Miyata) had been
established by A. Gaastra, who combined the first characters of his
wife's name (Kowallik) with the ones of his name (Gaastra) to 'Koga'.
The add on Miyata came from the japanese framebuilder with whome
Gaastra looked for cooperation".

Helmut: Danke!
Martin: Bedankt!
Your postings have been most helpful.