What's your CTL?

peak 124 - early feb
low 82 -nov
core race season avg ~108
now 98 - just finished season last week. now 2 weeks off!!
gimpy_calfee said:
Now 60s
Summer 100-125
low 100 March 1st
high 146 mid-July
currently 125 mid-October

May 1st to Oct. 1st between 130 and 146
rmur17 said:
low 100 March 1st
high 146 mid-July
currently 125 mid-October

May 1st to Oct. 1st between 130 and 146
Out of curiosity - how many hours a week do you ride to get your CTL this high during the season?
High 85 on may (pre IM Taper) +run +swim
Low 45 on june (IM Recover) +run +swim
Currently 82 (no running)
Woofer said:
Out of curiosity - how many hours a week do you ride to get your CTL this high during the season?
nothing massive - just scanned my training log and it's 13-18 hrs/wk over six days/wk with a high of 21 hrs when I was on 'vacation' in August.

1st peak 134 at end of March
2nd peak 123 mid-September (probably low due to no PM data from 5/1 - 6/15)
currently 95
Do you guys feel a bit over-trained with 100+ CTL's? The last time I was above 100, I had finished a 21 hour week. Granted, I was following a more periodized training plan, so every 4th week had a low TSS total, but 120+ is kinda nutty.
JohnMeyers said:
Do you guys feel a bit over-trained with 100+ CTL's? The last time I was above 100, I had finished a 21 hour week. Granted, I was following a more periodized training plan, so every 4th week had a low TSS total, but 120+ is kinda nutty.
I work on a periodised schedule myself (3 weeks 'on', 1 week 'off') and I'll train no more than 15 hrs maximum (most weeks are 11 - 12 hrs) and I feel fine ;)

I start at a TSS of 700 per week for the first week with a maximum of 1100 in the third week. Fourth week is around 600 :D
JohnMeyers said:
Do you guys feel a bit over-trained with 100+ CTL's? The last time I was above 100, I had finished a 21 hour week. Granted, I was following a more periodized training plan, so every 4th week had a low TSS total, but 120+ is kinda nutty.
Nope-sitting at 100 right now, still basically in off season mode. Plenty of short to medium distance rides, basically all l2/3, just trying to stay in shape for 'cross and keep FT within ~10 watts of what I guess was my PB this year.
MY02_STi said:
I work on a periodised schedule myself (3 weeks 'on', 1 week 'off') and I'll train no more than 15 hrs maximum (most weeks are 11 - 12 hrs) and I feel fine ;)

I start at a TSS of 700 per week for the first week with a maximum of 1100 in the third week. Fourth week is around 600 :D
I train pretty regularly - no reduced weeks unless I'm sick or tapering once or twice a year for a big event.

I don't have much problem unless ATL gets around 150 for quite a while (peak around 180 for me). Then again most of my CTL is generated in the L3-LL4 sweet spot so those racing a lot or working in upper L4, L5, L6, L7 may find it harder.

JohnMeyers said:
Do you guys feel a bit over-trained with 100+ CTL's? The last time I was above 100, I had finished a 21 hour week. Granted, I was following a more periodized training plan, so every 4th week had a low TSS total, but 120+ is kinda nutty.

I didn't feel over-trained, but it depends on how that CTL is reached and a variety of other factors. My second peak of CTL came at the end of a very long season and I was pretty burnt out by then. But my spring peak of CTL was higher and every time I pinned a number on I felt like I was flying. (It might have also helped that I was winning races in the spring vs. getting my @ss handed to me in the fall. fwiw, TSB was not all that different but the timing might have been better in the spring - and the competition was definitely stronger in the fall.)

Today is the end of my second week of base (following 2 weeks off the bike and 4 weeks of taper/ peak before that) and my CTL is 97. I assume I'll stay well over 100 through my first peak at the end of April.