You night ride ?

I commute to and from work, so night riding is unavoidable. I can't say I particularly enjoy it. In England the roads are full of pot holes and grate holes and the darkness makes them very difficult to see. I have to cycle over dark farm roads and country roads and on a foggy night you cannot see a thing! One evening last year it was a real 'pea souper' of a night and whilst I was riding along the farm road, which incidently up hill, so I wasn't moving particularly fast, I suddenly smelt really strong cigarette smoke - and I couldn't make out where the hell it was coming from or who was there!! it really freaked me out, so I can't wait for summer to come and light nights!!!!
I tried today and I didn`t enjoy too! It`s very hard to see holes in the road and facing cars are terrible! It will be OK if roads will be lightent!
I commute to and from work everyday, dark in the morning and dark at night when i leave work. ride fixed too, use all the back roads that have no lights as they are a bit more traffic free and better roads to train on.
Use a set of Smart twin headlights and a cateye rear light, reflective bits on clothers/bag and helmet.
Gr8 fun!
I use to ride at dark, few hours before the sunrise. In my town is an amazing experience: No cars, fresh air and mainly this two hours give me enough stamina for the rest of the day, but as somebody says, it is very important to take care about the safety guides: Good lights (front & rear) and to dress a very visible clothes (white is preferable)
i don't, and will not, ride at night. The main reason is (despite the safety issue!), i spen too much time looking at traffic, not as much on the bitumen, many sets of good wheels have become victimes of potholes.....
I like nights. With good lights you can fool cars into thinking you're one of them, hence extra respect.

I love off-road at night as well, and a relatively simple trail can become very exciting if you use only a dim light, and I really like the challenges offered by technical riding at night.

Also, around here, single track is all hiking tracks, and during the day, they tend to be, well, full of people. At night I get them all to myself.
Sure, I'm the same. I now only ride in the dark.
Take today for example: If I were to ride by day I'd lose time to visit shops, libraries and cafes. I always get up late seeing as I work nights so I try and use what daylight is left to knock around town.
My night-ride is the best I can manage at present so I make it short and intense. I ride a route where I know the grids and ruts so won't have to worry about hitting ditches. I ride where there are hills but plenty of street lamps. There are certainly not as many cars about when it's dark.
Usually I come back soaked in sweat.

BikeyGuy said:
The time has changed across the country and that in years past has put an end to my riding after my work day has ended. Not this year.
I started rideing after work at night. I love it.
Any of you have any experience night riding ?
Any thoughts ? Tips ?
Thanks & Safe cycling.