Is America already a fundamentalist State?

Woo hoo. Pictures from the creationism museum:

Plus I got this absoltutely classic report from someone who watched a French news report about the museum:

"There was a nice presentation of this museum on French TV the other day. Everyone I know who watched this was astonished by what was presented as an important belief for 44% of american people.

The reporter was clearly trying hard not to laugh while commenting on this. But the funnier part of this was the interview of a family visiting th 'museum'. At the question, 'Don't you find strange that Dinosaurs walked amongst men?', the guy responded 'Not at all. Dragons were dinosaurs, right? And in the medieval Age, knights killed a lot of dragons!'

That was a great moment, I assure you."

Seriously, you cannot make this **** up.
Bro Deal said:
At the question, 'Don't you find strange that Dinosaurs walked amongst men?', the guy responded 'Not at all. Dragons were dinosaurs, right? And in the medieval Age, knights killed a lot of dragons!'

That was a great moment, I assure you."

Seriously, you cannot make this **** up.
As a (slightly redneckish) friend used to say, "That's living proof that Indians ****ed buffalo."
Bro Deal said:
"There was a nice presentation of this museum on French TV the other day. Everyone I know who watched this was astonished by what was presented as an important belief for 44% of american people.
Oh yeah, at least 44% of Americans are complete whack jobs! They were all glued to the TV "News-fo-tainment" today watching the non-stop footage Of Paris Hilton being escorted TO court, being escorted FROM court, reportedly "screaming for her mommy."

The TV runs in our office waiting room, and as I walked by I especially enjoyed the large, printed in red "BREAKNG NEWS" tag scrolling at the bottom of the FOX news channel screen about the whole affair. Why is this young _______news? Famous for being famous is it?

The Russian President, my new hero Vlad, in the most amazing poker play of recent memory offers the American President, directly no less!!!! What Balls!!!The ability to access Russian radar for the defense of Europe. He says, "okay, your missle system isn't going to be aimed at us, it's for Iran? Really? Well cool, we'll help, (wink) we'll provide the key ingredient, (wink). Smile at the camera George, stop looking into my eyes George, your glaring George, and George, I'm "all in!" ... George?... fold or call?"

...and we GET ****ing Paris Hilton!!!!!!!!???????????? That's **** you can't make up either!