0 or 2 degree stem... where can I get one?


New Member
Sep 25, 2005
Greetings all from a newby here.

I have just got a new bike but the with the seat set up right for me the standard Specialized 120mm 10 degree carbon stem gives about 93mm drop from the seat to the top of the bars. This would be cool if I was 20 years younger, but I kind of prefer a slightly higher position, say 60 to 70mm. I know I can get a Deda Newton stem at 4 degrees but I think a 0 would be ideal. Problem is I have never seen one advertised.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance, sean.
Just for now, turn the stem over, it should lift the bars to a more comfortable height.
Salsa has one out called the Pro Scandium SUL. 0/90 degree or 10/80d, standard or OS bars.
sean23k5 said:
Greetings all from a newby here.

I have just got a new bike but the with the seat set up right for me the standard Specialized 120mm 10 degree carbon stem gives about 93mm drop from the seat to the top of the bars. This would be cool if I was 20 years younger, but I kind of prefer a slightly higher position, say 60 to 70mm. I know I can get a Deda Newton stem at 4 degrees but I think a 0 would be ideal. Problem is I have never seen one advertised.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance, sean.

Profile makes stems with 70-120 degrees.
