1st incident of Driver idiocy - but I had fun

Duncan said:
scotty72 wrote:
> ritcho Wrote:
> > Well played! I don't know how you could ride along Victoria Road
> > _without_ claiming a lane. You would have to bunny hop all those pot
> > holes and steel grates that seem to be exactly the width of a bicycle
> > wheel...
> >
> > Are you riding into the city? If so, you might want to cut across the
> > river somewhere upstream and ride in through Homebush/Five Dock... you
> > would avoid that 'orrible Vic Road.
> >
> > Ritch

> Na, I only ride from Parra to Rydalmere (Park Road) then cut down to
> the PVC on my way to Strathfield. If thry ever extend the PVC into
> Parra, then i wont need to ue Vic Rd at all.

Victoria road sucks..
I presume you're coming from North of the river.

Is it worth your while going south through Harris Park & Rosehill to
the M4 cycleway?

When they get the Thackery St bridge back up in use, you could go
through Camelia (Grand Ave) on the south side of the river.. that
concrete recycling plant is just great for the drivetrain on a wet day
Thackery Bridge

na, that suxs big time.

I don't want to have to haul my bike up the equilent of 3 flights of staris then back down the other side. I'd join a weighlifting club for that :)

Down to the M4 is possible, but a lot of extra distance.

Euan wrote:
>>>>>>"Peter" == Peter Signorini <[email protected]> writes:

> Peter> A cyclist will always ride about 1 metre out from the kerb as
> Peter> well, for safety, so there is often not going to be enough
> Peter> room for a larger car.
> I wish!
> Unfortunately there are far too many cyclists out there who are ignorant
> of how vital proper road position is to their safety.
> On my daily commute I frequently pass cyclists on the road without
> deviating from my normal position one iota because they're riding in the
> gutter. We need a ride wide campaign to get the message out that riding
> in the gutter is risky behaviour.
> Sorry, hobby horse of mine :)

I would always give em an extra foot.. if they are that nervous they
might.. just might swerve for no obvious reason
dave said:
Euan wrote:
>>>>>>"Peter" == Peter Signorini <[email protected]> writes:

> Peter> A cyclist will always ride about 1 metre out from the kerb as
> Peter> well, for safety, so there is often not going to be enough
> Peter> room for a larger car.
> I wish!
> Unfortunately there are far too many cyclists out there who are ignorant
> of how vital proper road position is to their safety.
> On my daily commute I frequently pass cyclists on the road without
> deviating from my normal position one iota because they're riding in the
> gutter. We need a ride wide campaign to get the message out that riding
> in the gutter is risky behaviour.
> Sorry, hobby horse of mine :)

I would always give em an extra foot.. if they are that nervous they
might.. just might swerve for no obvious reason
That's the thing though, most of them seem to be otherwise competent and skilled cyclists. It's just that they think the safest place is the gutter 'cause that's what mommy and daddy taught us; stay out of the way of cars.

You could have a point though...
EuanB wrote:
> dave Wrote:
>>Euan wrote:
>>>>>>>>"Peter" == Peter Signorini <[email protected]> writes:
>>>Peter> A cyclist will always ride about 1 metre out from the kerb as
>>>Peter> well, for safety, so there is often not going to be enough
>>>Peter> room for a larger car.
>>>I wish!
>>>Unfortunately there are far too many cyclists out there who are

>>>of how vital proper road position is to their safety.
>>>On my daily commute I frequently pass cyclists on the road without
>>>deviating from my normal position one iota because they're riding in

>>>gutter. We need a ride wide campaign to get the message out that

>>>in the gutter is risky behaviour.
>>>Sorry, hobby horse of mine :)

>>I would always give em an extra foot.. if they are that nervous they
>>might.. just might swerve for no obvious reason

> That's the thing though, most of them seem to be otherwise competent
> and skilled cyclists. It's just that they think the safest place is
> the gutter 'cause that's what mommy and daddy taught us; stay out of
> the way of cars.
> You could have a point though...

Tell you a story. :)

WE diod one of the orange rides.. YOu know lots of family.. fun but some
very dodgy riding.

So after dodging lots of people we wound up riding with another 2
riders.. on good kit who seemed ok

So we were riding allong in a tightish little bunch bagging all the ****
riders (as you do) When one of these blokes reached forward for no
particular reason and pulled his mates shorts down

It of curse pulled him into his mate.. his mate bounced of him and
slammed into me.

THe biek.. er is tankslapped approptiote.. wildly and I ended up
craching when my feet came lose.

his mate blew a tire when he hit my pedal.. managed not to crash.

If you are out there ****.. you owe me a helmet (no it didnt save my
life) and a saddle and a left hand lever.